UFO Sighting in Clayton, New Mexico on 2016-11-18 16:00:00 – What i thought was a flock of birds in a cloudless sky literally vanished

On our way to colorado (from texas) during thanksgiving break 2016, i was in the back seat of my family's van while we were in the new mexico part of the drive (between clayton and capulin, nm), when i looked out the window. in a cloudless sky, just a short distance (maybe a quarter mile?) […]

UFO Sighting in Gorham, Ontario on 2016-11-18 00:00:00 – Intensely brights blueish/white light shining into home. later recalled abduction

The winds were over 80 km/hr. visibility was zero due to snow and sleet, during wind gusts. we live out in the country side, about 10 minutes outside of town. earlier in the day at around 3 pm we went to town to pick up our kids from school. the weather was horrible already, but […]

UFO Sighting in Marshall, Arkansas on 2016-11-18 03:39:00 – Looked like falling star with firey tail heading toward nw, instantly stopped, changed direction to southeast and hovered over my home.It was huge.Gold disc.

It was about 3:40 am a few nights before thanksgiving 2016. i stepped onto the deck to have a cigarette. i sat down, and looked up at the beautiful clear sky. kind of northeast, straight up i saw a golden ball enter line of sight near a star position, falling rapidly with a firry tail, […]

UFO Sighting in Cleveland, Ohio on 2016-11-18 23:15:00 – Small (star sized) pulsating rainbow orb

I got home late and got out of my car and walked out of my garage. high up in the west (which was sraight ahead of me) i noticed a star sized orb colorfully pulsating. it was descending fast enough where i knew i needed to grab my good camera quickly in order to get […]

UFO Sighting in Mill Valley, California on 2016-11-18 10:48:00 – I saw a dull grey ufo reflecting morning sunlight, then it came directly towards me before moving to the northwest and disappearing.

I live in a small town about 10 miles north of san francisco. it was a bright sunny morning and i was at home. i had opened the door to let my cat out on the deck like i do every morning. he ran out and stopped on a dime, looked up at the sky, […]

UFO Sighting in Deep Water, West Virginia on 2016-11-18 00:00:00 – Hey orange light appeared below the mountaintop and hovered a few seconds then went straight up into the air and disappeared

It was about 6:30,7 o'clock on a november evening it was dark i was sitting in the passenger side of the car facing north northeast on route 61 and about a mile in front of me between the top of the mountain and the ground about halfway an orange light just lit up and it […]

UFO Sighting in Chicago, Illinois on 2016-11-18 18:15:00 – Object 4-5 times the brightness and size of venus at its closest followed aircraft for 25 minutes

wife and i were on flight aa1329 seat 5a,b from san juan to chicago when at approximately one hour from landing a very bright light was observed off our aircraft left side slightly behind and above a straight line of view out the window. our altitude was approximately 36000 feet with a speed of 500mph.My […]

UFO Sighting in Washington, Washington on 2016-11-18 11:23:00 – Black orb(s) can be seen on wsdot walla walla airport sw cam from approx. 0700 to 1630

In summary: one or two black orbs can be seen hovering over the center of the airstrip runway for days on end and can be seen during the day on the wsdot traffic camera (state menu) walla walla airport sw camera http://www.Wsdot.Com/traffic/cameras/default.Aspx?Cam=1340 please see for yourself beginning in the morning around 0623 for the first […]

UFO Sighting in Caneadea, New York on 2016-11-18 16:17:00 – Saw black with red pulsating lights ufo with a large amount of shroud around and a typical rapure mobile black

Witnessed these upos along route 19 while in a car wiht my mother an also while walking, they seemed to be "pulling " my mother and i along. nothing dropped out of them . believe them also to be psychic phenomen. not as much reality distortion as in the past? no idea why

UFO Sighting in San Jose, California on 2016-11-18 18:00:00 – Bright light the changed from horizontal to vertical

I was on my balcony at my house with my kids and just looking at the night sky chatting when we noticed the bright light in the sky. it was after sunset and dark and the light was very bright and not a from a star, don't know how long the light was there before […]
