UFO Sighting in Long Beach, California on 2017-03-10 17:40:00 – We were my wife and i in the park and we looked at the sky and there were the objects

My wife and i went for a bike ride to the park in the golden east reginal park and stopped for a while on the grass. after a while we turned to the sky and there were the objects. i took my camera and started recording. at the beginning you see how one object passes […]

UFO Sighting in Goldsboro, North Carolina on 2017-03-10 21:15:00 – I live next door to seymore johnson afb know all types of aircraft what i saw a 8 sided craft

I live close to seymore johnson a.F.Bace ,have seen all typs air craft , what i saw was a 8 sided craft . it did make a noise like helicopter and jet cross not very loud but. it came from the south went over my house and turned east toward the air force base. it […]

UFO Sighting in Madison, Wisconsin on 2017-03-10 20:40:00 – Certain it's not a plane or a helicopter

Going home on the highway with my mom. i was looking at a weird light thhat was brighter than the stars in the bright suburban area. it took a while to realize it was moving and moving fast at that. i pointed it out to my mom who dismissed it as a plane seeing as […]

UFO Sighting in Indio, California on 2017-03-10 19:30:00 – White orb over indio

My husband and i were sitting in our patio in indio about 7:30pm on march 10th, when he saw something and asked me to look up in the sky. i looked up and we saw a white orb gliding along at a good clip. initially, i thought owl, but it was way too big and […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Potchefstroom, North West on 2017-03-10 00:00:00 – The triangular object was far away at first and it kept changing direction when whe looked  again it was very close behind us heading towards us hovering in weird directions and then it hovered higher and moving north looking like it is going to land.

Me and one of my friends were sitting outside at about 07:45 just talking and drinking some tea when we saw a flickering object near the moon as big as a star and we thought it was just a plane,but it didn't make a sound. when we looked again it changed direction and hovering in […]

UFO Sighting in Ashland, Kentucky on 2017-03-10 14:26:00 – Silver white cigar shaped, it blended in with the cloud behind it then turned normal silver/white after it passed

i was sitting at a red light in russell kentucky right next to the new ironton bridge, when i noticed this large cigar shaped silver/white object moving slowly through the sky. i pointed at it and the guy in the truck next to me also pointed at it then we pointed at each other and […]

UFO Sighting in Kinburn, Ontario on 2017-03-10 19:00:00 – Blue light flying across sky.  joins 10 + other lights in moving constellation.  all change coloursk

We were driving down donald b munro rd at exactly 7pm. i saw a blue light crossing the sky with what seemed like a fair amount of speed. it jumped up abruptly and then we noticed there were likely ten other objects hovering in a formation that looked like a slowly moving constellation. we pulled […]

UFO Sighting in California on 2017-03-10 00:00:00 – Dark flying wing with what looks like most on front edges.No lights

Object had no lights at all.Dark rectangular shaped object flying slow rate of speed.Lught looking must on front edges of object.Appeared to be flying straight whilst doing slight turn towards the right.Object was almost same color as the sky.Just a few shades darker with front edges highlighted by mist.

UFO Landing in British Columbia on 2017-03-10 09:35:00 – Sound looked up saw disappeared landed saw

I was outside while walking my dog, i heard a loud sound so i looked up, a ufo my grandpa flys and i've never seen anything like it before, it would start hovering then dropped then went back up then dropped, i could swear i was being lifted up, it left my sight in under […]

UFO Sighting in Carol Stream, Illinois on 2017-03-10 20:00:00 – Flashing lights similar to traditional aircraft. no discernible fuselage.

Noticed craft with flahing green, red, and white lights similar to a traditional aircraft hovering approx. 1 mile wsw at 8pm. craft did not move at all. attempted to film with smartphone when craft completely disappeared. did not appear to travel away from us, it just ceased to be there.
