UFO Sighting in Berwick, Nova Scotia on 2017-11-05 21:30:00 – Cross/partial swastika like object with very bright lights to the sw shot to the nw very fast and disappeared.

At around 2130 hrs, while driving westbound on the 101 hwy from new minas to greenwood ns, my son (17) and i noticed an object in the air near exit 16 (berwick) high in the air. it looked like a partial swastika/cross shape with several bright lights on the bottom. it suddenly shot nw from […]

Alien Encounter in Tucson, Arizona on 2017-11-05 09:10:00 – Have been physically tortured, and sexually assaulted by a reptilian form.  i know who the person who is shapeshifting and causing me extreme harm.

1. laying on my couch resting and then falling asleep. 2. i felt it in my body, this has been going on for a few months. i have seen it before a few times, but last night, it left burn marks. 3. a person that i know who had shapeshifted into a reptilian with yellow […]

UFO Sighting in San Diego, California on 2017-11-05 16:15:00 – Was shooting the clouds, got home saw this.

This is not a ufo, i dont think. i was wondering if it was nibiru? maybe a ufo. i dont know. but i have many more shots. i have looked at them, i rule out glare because in some the thing is behind something. not always a round shape. i only downloaded some to my […]

UFO Sighting in Ciudad Mante, Tamaulipas on 2017-11-05 13:52:00 – Im on my yard and a see a weird objet on the air

I am going to my house cross my yard and my son spoted a weird thing on the sky i ask my neighbour and he tell me that it was there from the 1:00 aprox untilthe 6:20 i fell pretty well no one got anything and i lose the sight of it when only start […]

UFO Sighting in Downingtown, Pennsylvania on 2017-11-05 04:00:00 – Saw three orange orbs rising above a treeline… maybe one rising per min. looked like fire. lasted all together about 10mi

Was leaving for work about 4am. saw two glowing orbs rising above the tree line near my house. went in to wake my husband and when he came out side the orbs appeared to be almost out of site and re-appeared from behind the clouds far away. then one more appeared moments later and flew […]
