Black Triangle Sighting in Sciez-sur-leman, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes on 2018-09-08 17:25:00 – Un triangle noir traverse le ciel en tournant sur lui mãªme, ses cã´tã© reflã©tait le soleil

Pour commencer, petite prã©sentation personnel pour vous ã©vitez de vous poser des questions. je suis passionnã© d’ufologie depuis l’age de 5 ans, j’ai passã© 35 ans ã  me demander si c’etait du lard ou du cochon. il y’a quelques temps, j’etais passã© dans le rang des sceptiques ã  cause du gros tas d’ã¢neries qui tourne […]

UFO Sighting in Aurora, Colorado on 2018-09-08 00:00:00 – While eating on the fantail of the north carolina battleship a bright blue traveling from my right to left came to a instant stop before me then continued travel to left came to an instant stop for some minutes then reversed going back to my right .

On sept 8 2018 i was attending a military reunion in wilimgton north carolina, we were having our memorial meal on the fantail of the battleship north carolina. the weather was warm with no wind. the battleship sits in a a small inlet off the cape fear river. the tide was in and the ship […]

UFO Sighting in Greendale, Wisconsin on 2018-09-08 14:00:00 – Happened above house in greendale wi on saturday afternoon sept. 8th 2018

I was in the back yard, sitting in chair. clear day and saw an airplane flying above but, this object was several miles higher up then the plane and it hovered in place for a few mintues and then moved slightly in swirling motion and then hovered again. i thought it was a plane or […]

UFO Sighting in New Philadelphia, Ohio on 2018-09-08 18:30:00 – A big storme was starting, greay clouds swirling, round light appeared out of cloud stayed in one spot for a few seconds then took off and disappeared

I was looking out my back door and letting my dogs outside. there was a storm starting and the clouds were moving very fast and swirling around like nothing i had ever seen before. i called my kids to come see. a round light appeared in the clouds. it was not moving at first then […]

UFO Sighting in Tehran, Tehran Province on 2018-09-08 23:47:00 – Ufo emmiting bright light spots changing in color  directing to the ground in web like pattern. then retracted them all into ufo

This happened over in western tehran , and i was a passenger on the car. i suddenly saw numerous strange glowing spots on the sky from the passenger window side( more than 100 spots/dots or maybe bright objects ) in a web like pattern emmiting from ufo into the ground and it looked like it […]

UFO Sighting in Weaverville, North Carolina on 2018-09-08 04:16:00 – Never seen a ufo before but convinced i have now.

9/08/18, 4:15edt. all house lights off and in small area (6) of homes on ridge at approx 2200 ft asl. no light from any other homes at that hour. i live near (15mi) a city which prohibits any kind of exterior lighting that would interfere with sky watching.Took my two small dogs out. started walk […]

UFO Sighting in Victoriaville, Quebec on 2018-09-08 22:00:00 – Forme ovale rouge-orangã©e ayant 2-3 formes rondes jaune-orangã©es sur l'appareil qui semblent vaciller.

C'ã©tait samedi le 8 septembre 2018, ã  victoriaville, que nous avons aperã§u cette chose ã©trange dans le ciel. nous ã©tions installã©s autour d'un feu, le ciel ã©tait dã©gagã© et les ã©toiles brillaient. il devait ãªtre prã¨s de 22h quand on a remarquã© cet objet au-dessus de nos tãªtes. nous avions dã©jã  vu ã§a, mon mari […]

UFO Sighting in Las Crucez, New Mexico on 2018-09-08 23:23:00 – Light hovered the would disappear and reappear. seen what looks like big drone before light appear

Witnessed by many people. first what looks like a military drone appears . then two lights appear out of no where for about 30 minutes then the lights seem to disappear and reappear one light vanishes other light hovers around. also person found what arms to be two dead livestock in same area the following […]

UFO Sighting in Cockermouth, England on 2018-09-08 19:20:00 – Bright red orb descended from clouds then moved erratically

1. i was at work having a cigarette break. 2. i noticed a bright red light descend from the clouds. 3. i thought it was an aircraft or a drone. 4. after it descended it moved left swiftly , looked like it came closer, then moved further away, paused in mid air then shot off […]

UFO Sighting in Sherbrooke, Quebec on 2018-09-08 20:35:00 – Appeared from behind trees going from north to south

I was taking a walk and about to turn on my street and then i saw the 1st orbs passing behind a tree ( optically…Cause it was farther in the sky ) going north to south…After passing most of the horizon ( 10 sec )…The 1st orb faded ( or what looked like fading ) […]
