Black Triangle Sighting in Escondido, California on 2017-04-15 20:40:00 – 6 groups of multi-colored lights in vertical triangle configurations were seen, one larger than the other 5.  the 5 smaller triangles moved slowly to the west, while the larger one remained stationary.

From a 4th story balcony looking north, one large vertically oriented triangular arrangement of multi-colored lights was seen hovering about 500 ft. above the tree tops between one half mile to one mile away. five more smaller triangular arrangements of multi-colored lights were seen to the west at a lower altitude, just above the tree […]

UFO Sighting in Sanders, Arizona on 2017-04-14 20:40:00 – 3 photos taken, moving strands of light, changing formation. orange object as extra in area.

I an experienced astrophotographer. i have imaged satellites, night rocket launches, meteors etc. last night i took 3 images within two minutes straight after the other with a fish eye lens from very dark skies. upon studying the results i noticed a bizarre sequence that is on all three pictures. the first shows a blurred […]

UFO Sighting in Burgess Hill, England on 2017-04-01 20:40:00 – it looked like a birght white light in the shape of a long ruler, which had a blue tinge to it

my sighting was about 8.40 pm,0n the 1/4/17, i had just gone upstairs and looked out of the bedroom window,(this looks south west) and saw just above the tree line what i thought was a airliner with all the cabin lights on, so i went back up the hall way,and thought nothing of it, i […]

UFO Sighting in Vernon Township, New Jersey on 2017-03-11 20:40:00 – Snowboarding on mountain creek resort on the trail waiting for my friend i looked at the night sky. i noticed a green light hovering in the sky over the residential area and then it it made a u shaped path with a trail of green up into space.

When i reached the top of mountain creek from the gondola it was 8:30 but i was with a beginner snowboarder so i anticipated this being my last run. slowly making our way down the trail i sat down to wait for my friend. we were the last ones heading down the trail on such […]

UFO Sighting in Yuba City, California on 2017-03-03 20:40:00 – Amber color light comibg from the south flew over my house and turned nw

Craft flew from south and headed nw toward the moon.. amber light was huge and when craft turned nw the light went out and the moon reflected a huge egg oval shaped craft. there was no sound.

UFO Sighting in Bedford, Pennsylvania on 2017-02-14 20:40:00 – South central pa ufo sighting.

I live in a cabin in the woods, in a pretty rural area. this incident took place over a heavily wooded ridge. went outside for a smoke around 2040 hrs., and i saw a very bright light approaching from due west like an aircraft. however, it looked like a "spiked star" to the naked eye […]

UFO Sighting in Glendale, Arizona on 2017-01-26 20:40:00 – I had mistook it for a uncharacteristically bright and unwavering star, and while i couldn't make out the details i knew something was off. it turns out i was right as it started to dim and dissipate to the point where it completely dissappeared.

It was all supposed to be simple really, we were heading to frys and such to meet someone and i wanted to bring along a few things even though i knew it wouldn't be too long there. my mom and elder cousin were lightly bantering in the car as i struggled to unlock the back […]

UFO Sighting in Mesa, Arizona on 2017-01-01 20:40:00 – 3 lights same color as street lights in v formation seen while driving.  when i was able to stop and look the lights turned into one and disappeared heading north into clouds

I had just left my mother's and stopped to get dinner. when i turned onto my street i noticed a light to my right which was north. my first thought was it was the freeway lights that are right behind my house. when i stopped my car and took a good look there where three […]

UFO Sighting in Gaston, South Carolina on 2016-12-30 20:40:00 – Unbelievable something i never saw in 38 years on earth

Bright, glowing orange orb hovered and flew slowly overhead at top of free lines before disappearing.

UFO Sighting in Carthage, North Carolina on 2016-01-04 20:40:00 – I was driving down my street just after dark a noticed a very bright light that was stationary so i decided to grab my iphone and video. the light stayed fro a few seconds, maybe 20, then slowly disappeared. there is a military base "ft bragg" close by.

I was driving down my street at 8:40pm and noticed a very bright light that was stationary in the sky so i decided to grab my iphone and video while i was slowing down, so it's a bit unstable but still clear.. the light stayed in the same spot for a few seconds, maybe 20, […]
