
UFO Sighting in Sherwood Park, Alberta on 2017-07-17 18:30:00 – It flew at about 30000ft. at first glance an airplane. faster then a normal sighting of a plane which caught my attention. no con trail which then got my full attention.A sudden change in directory straight up in the sky then lost visual

Watched a high speed aircraft heading on a southern projectory. no sound, no con trail and silver cylinder shaped. after watching for a minute changed direction suddenly and went into the atmosphere. at that time line of sight was lost.

UFO Sighting in Newark, New Jersey on 2017-07-15 18:10:00 – Object flew along left of airplane. airplane veered right. object didn't follow. split into two equal size glowing objects, flew tandem then disappeared

On saturday, july 15, 2017 at approximately 6-6:10pm, i was standing outside a drug store, finishing a cigarette before entering the store. i looked up at the sky over the park across the street and noticed an airplane, likely a 747, flying southeast and away from me. an object, egg or spherical shaped, perhaps 1/8th […]

UFO Sighting in Granville, Iowa on 2017-07-13 03:30:00 – Witnessed from north to south in a wavy pattern no blinking lights like an airplane

Was outside at 3 am 7-13-17 i am always looking up at night i noticed a light moving from north to south so i decided to watch it. it continued to the south in a wavy pattern and no blinking lights like a plane would have. watched till out of sight moving south on the […]

Marines airplane crashes in Mississippi killing 16 people

At least 16 people are dead after a KC-130 U.S. Marines airplane from Tennessee crashed into a field in Mississippi Monday after possibly suffering a structural failure, officials say.

UFO Sighting in Gadsden, Alabama on 2017-07-01 00:00:00 – Bright white flashing light at tree line. thought it was airplane lights but one of the lights went lower in the trees.

Our puppy woke me up a little after 4am. i took her outside and while standing there i noticed flashing lights in the tree line. i assumed it was airplane lights until the 2nd light descended much lower than then light in the tree line. i would say it descended very quickly. they were both […]

UFO Sighting in Buffalo, Texas on 2017-06-06 21:34:00 – Same lights as couple weeks ago follow airplane

seen ufo following flight ual1592 checked flight radar when i seen the same flashes of light couple weeks ago going north from south only started flashing directly infront of me directly in a eastly direction, the air plane was at 33,000 feet this object was above and behind the plane, following the plane, it only […]

UFO Sighting in Evanston, Wyoming on 2017-05-28 14:40:00 – Watching airplane cross sky it abruptly banked to right sunlight flashing on wings. i watched plane continue on n/nw glanced back to original sight and observed bright dot.

Standing in my doorway having a cigarette watching a airplane from e/se cross the sky it suddenly banked to the right, sunlight flashing the wings caught my attention, i watchedaairplane continue on leveling off (apprx 2:35pm) i glanced back to original spot and observed a bright dot, first thought a balloon, no at 30,000ft not […]

UFO Sighting in Manchester airport, England on 2016-01-01 09:02:00 – Reported on manchester evening news 2016 video from airplane very hi-speed ufo's

I saw a video yesterday reported to you guys about a ufo flying at mach 17. this reminded me of a video i watch via our local new paper website last year (2016) "manchester evening news" where a passenger on a plane leaving manchester airport was recording a video of the plane taking off through […]

UFO Sighting in Northvale, New Jersey on 2017-05-29 03:30:00 – I observed what i thought was an airplane with a green blinking light, it dropped straigh down and became a red or blue which zipped around like a bat then it stopped right in front of me for 30 seconds then it changed back into a plane and continued on

I went out back to smoke a cigarette while on the phone with a friend of mine. i noticed what appeared to be an aircraft, very low flying coming from the east and heading west in front of me. a rain storm was just hitting my area so it would have been normal for a […]

UFO Sighting in Santa Fe, New Mexico on 2017-05-24 05:05:00 – Thought it was airplane landing lights. none seen or heard. it disapeared.

My wife and i were awaiting the space station traveling from the nw to the se. the space station was above and behind the lights. there were 2 or more typical bright airplane landing lights. the space station was scheduled as per "spothestation.Nasa.Gov/sightings/view.Cfm?Country=united_states". it was scheduled to pass over or heads at 81 degrees and […]
