
UFO Sighting in New Braunfels, Texas on 2016-10-02 00:00:00 – While camping with friends, (old navy veterans), we observed orange lights that came up from the horizon, it seem very far in the distance or ascending at a very high altitude , the lights didn't not move like an airplane but more like a controlled missil

While camping with my good friend and his wife (who are old navy veterans), at around midnight while hanging around the campfire, we saw and began to observe orange lights rising from the horizon from the west coming over the hills in a very odd fasion. the reddish orange lights were brighter than the normal […]

UFO Sighting in Fulton, Missouri on 2016-09-27 20:29:00 – I work outside at night, (surface mine) near airport. i know aircraft. the "craft" @1st seedme like a satellite but much slower, then an airplane was coming in to close quarters. it then extinguished until plane passed relit dimmer switches east and moved

Working at night. its brightness. satellite. star like, extinguishing, re illuminating, changing directions. the lights on my truck flickered and my cellphone restarted. i thought it was pretty cool. but i have seen this a couple months ago heading about the same trajectory but over the airport that time. it extinguished again.

UFO Sighting in Las Vegas, Nevada on 2006-10-04 02:30:00 – White lights, like light airplane, gliding then hovering, seemed to realize i saw them, then shoot off with no sound

I was working at home during graveyard hours, so i was very used to being up late. i walked out to my upstairs porch to smoke a cigarette. it was warm out (fairly typical for that time of year) and there was a slight breeze. it was very quiet out, which was also very typical […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Bella Vista, Arkansas on 2016-09-11 22:05:00 – was lying in bed when my wife and i heard what sounded like an airplane about to crash or flying super low. we rushed to the bedroom window and saw a huge triangle shaped aircraft

Date: 9-11-2016 time: around 10:00 pm i was lying in bed when my wife and i heard what sounded like an airplane about to crash or flying super low. we rushed to the bedroom window and saw a huge triangle shaped aircraft flying about 100′ above the house. we raced outside and watched it flying […]

UFO Sighting in Alachua, Florida on September 9th 2016 – flashing lights high altitude not an airplane

On Thursday September 8th at 6am I was walking to my car when my wife noticed two lights flashing directly overhead, but at a very high altitude. At first she thought it was a satellite based on the intensity. We regularly observe the ISS and the lights were about the same magnitude as when the […]

UFO Sighting in Płock, mazowieckie on September 3rd 2016 – Was walking my dog when a giant object flew over my head, ascending in 3 seconds, first close to the ground like a helicopter, and few minutes after like an airplane or a star (that's when it was either stuck in the sky, or going further from the earth

1.Not too far from my block, just walking my dog (away from the block). Then i see someone coming out of the corner (two women and a little girl), so as a typical antisocial and shy person i turned away and continued walking with the dog (now going towards the block). 2.It happened really fast, […]

UFO Sighting in Republic, Missouri on September 2nd 2016 – Several dull white light different directs would stop and change direction circled airplane and changed direction

I was on my deck smoking a cigarette and I saw a dull white light to the north fly really fast like the speed of a shooting star from west to east then saw one from the ground level shoot straight up then another one from east to west. Thinking this is weird and definitely […]

UFO Sighting in Between Prescott and Phoe, Arizona on May 1st 1996 – Green orb passes airplane

I was a passenger on a 19 seater beachcraft (at the time America West airlines). We we’re flying from Prescott to Phoenix. At cruising altitudes a green orb slightly bigger then a soft ball slowly passed outside my window, from the front of the aircraft to the back. The orb passed by very slowly. About […]

UFO Sighting in Toronto, Ontario on August 28th 2016 – Traveling from North to South across the eastern sky over Toronto at a speed that was like a shooting star was a craft that was oval in appearance, seemingly wide like an airplane at a height below clouds if there were clouds.

Two UFO / UAP Sightings North Of Toronto, Canada �� Sunday, Aug 28, 2016. Did anyone else have a sighting in Toronto, Sunday night between 10-10:30PM? Approximately 10PM EST, Sunday August 28, 2016 over Newmarket, north of Toronto, Canada, two of us were sitting in the backyard facing East (see the photo below where the […]

UFO Sighting in Maryland on August 24th 2016 – Weird airplane shape

I was out on the back porch just playing on my iPhone. I noticed it around 12:00 day. I thought it was an airplane. Then I noticed the wings were at a very steep angle up. I am a student pilot so I can tell an airplane, helicopter, or glider when I see one. This […]
