
UFO Sighting in Canby, Oregon on January 28th 2016 – 6 Orange Fireballs Above Canby, Oregon Followed by an Airplane

I just finished grocery shopping at Canby, Oregon Fred Meyer, looked up from the parking lot and observed 6 big, slow-moving orange orbs, coming from the north and heading south east, at about 8:30 PM …… There was an airplane near them, so i would imagine if you questioned the crew and passengers, you may […]

UFO Sighting in Prince George, British Columbia on August 1st 2006 – Airplane like then changed direction hovered then  accelerated till vanished

I looked up to the sky as me and my friend were walking west towards the store and noticed two bright lights that resembled street lights glowing in the sky. I thought to myself that’s weird for a plane to have orange lights because that’s the fashion in which there were moving towards us then […]

UFO Sighting in Denton, Texas on May 15th 2015 – stationary bright light – as it appeared in the sky it reminded me of a match being ignited. It was far away and at first I thought it might have been an airplane turning in my direction. Witnessed for 10 minutes.

I had gone to the park to photograph the sunset, so looking west, I noticed a light appear in the sky, far away from me. The closest that I can describe it was as if someone had struck a match. It was bigger when it first appeared it seem to appeared as it was fuel […]

UFO Sighting in Sonora, California on June 1st 2015 – my daughter were listening for mountain lion and looking at stars when we saw 3 rounded sets of light moving left to rt. that paused moved left hovered then moved right super fast then we're gone. we were shocked as an airplane can't move or look that way

One summer night my daughter and I put chairs in our horse pasture to listen for the mountain lion we often see and hear. The chairs were reclined so we could see the stars when we see 3 rounded shapes above trees pretty high up that seemed to be lit up. It was hard to […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Florissant, Missouri on December 14th 2015 – Airplane lights turned into a triangular shape of 3  bright, round lights.

Returning to Missouri from Godfrey IL, ,Driving south on Hwy 270 on a stretch of the highway that airplanes fly over before landing at St. Louis Lambert Field. It was approx 6:30pm CST, clear sky, twilight-blue color sky. I have seen planes in this area before when they are approaching Lambert Field to land. This […]

UFO Sighting in California on December 21st 2015 – Saw smaller sun coming off of sun while riding in airplane

I was in the plane riding from Los Angeles to Georgia around 6 AM on December 21, 2015. This was shortly after take off, and I noticed the right-hand window facing east the sun had a smaller sun like object coming off of it and sometimes slightly moving. At first it looked like potentially a […]

UFO Sighting in Dallas, Texas on December 14th 2015 – Noticed same light as last night.  Very high starlike object moving erratically watched it for 2 hrs slowly flying East to northwest and dodged airplane.

It was 7:00pm and I was telling a friend about seeing a ufo last night and how strange it was. We went outside and I told him it was just like a star at first and when I pointed to where it was seen the night before, THERE IT WAS AGAIN ! EXACTLY as last […]

UFO Sighting in New Jersey on December 13th 2015 – 7 maybe more sequential unwavering lights moving silently south following coastline moments after an observed airplane was observed with flashing lights moving north

same as short description – observed in backyard

UFO Sighting in Fisk, Missouri on December 7th 2015 – bright light in sky i thought was sun reflection off of airplane that changed and disappeared

I had just left work at 755 am. I was driving east on a hwy just past a small rural airport. Airplanes are common sites. The sun was coming up and it was clear out. The highway runs straight east. The sun was coming up off to the right of highway. Off to the left […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Reno, Nevada on December 8th 2015 – We saw six to eight aircraft and have been seeing them since six o'clock pm. There were drone sized ones and airplane sized ones. One aircraft was spotted hovering over someone's house for about 3 minutes then continued to fly south east.

We were driving home from someone’s house when around 6 o’clock my friends mom had spotted two aircraft and then I noticed three more aircraft flying very low. We kept driving and looking out the window when we passed through sun valley and saw a smaller aircraft hovering about someone’s house so we pulled over […]
