
UFO Sighting in Shawsville, Virginia on November 12th 2015 – I saw a shimmering light in the sky, noticed it wasn't a helicopter, airplane, comet, or recognized. I videoed around 56 seconds.

I was traveling northbound on US Route 460 in Virginia. Montgomery County to be exact. I noticed a shimmering light about 35 degrees above the horizon line, so I decided to take out my smartphone and video of the event. Right off I noticed it was not a plane, and it was not a star […]

UFO Sighting in Maple Shade Township, New Jersey on August 19th 2015 – Pulsating light in the sky. Definitely not an airplane.

Noticed the light while sitting on my front porch. it began to move slowly. Began video when it seemed to just hover. Kept video going until it fell behind tree line.

UFO Sighting in Walnut Creek, California on October 25th 2015 – started far away looked like an airplane. Shape shifted into a circle thing with hollow center. Ascended and got smaller.

I was at an intersection on South Main near Bothelo in Walnut Creek. I saw what appeared to be a plane at first. It was far away and had blinking red and green lights. Then it seemed to have shape shifted into a big circle with a hollow center. There were lights around the circle […]

UFO Sighting in in an airplane going to s, California on July 19th 2015 – in plane at 35,000 feet from Maui to Seattle, daughter saw it first showed me took pic then video

On plane coming from Maui left at night going to Seattle; probably saw it right at dawn. The event did not take place in LA, CA, but hard to know when we are in an airplane. My daughter in window seat saw it first, let me know and I saw a smoke trail with a […]

UFO Sighting in Windsor, Ontario on October 11th 2015 – Saw a fireball object fly by and completely disapear withing approxamately 30 to 45 seconds.(much faster than an airplane) No sound.

Noticed a fireball object in the sky. It was bright and firey orange. We watched it fly by and completely disapear withing approxamately 30 to 45 seconds.(much faster than an airplane) It had No sound. It also did not have a long tail on it which may have made me think it was a meteor. […]

UFO Sighting in Klamath Falls, Oregon on October 3rd 2015 – Pulsating light.  Very bright.  Then less bright.  Random movements.  Airplane in area but this was not an airplane.

Standing outside. Very bright light. Then went away. Then lit up 30 seconds later. Then off. Kept going in different locations. Back and forth.

UFO Sighting in Daviston, Alabama on September 30th 2015 – Heard an airplane, went outside, saw this amber/orange glowing orb moving very slow above the tree line

i was sitting in my house and i heard an airplane so i went outside to see if i could see it. as i was searching the sky i saw a light that i first thought was in the woods but as i got to looking it was right above the tree line moving way […]

UFO Sighting in Concord, North Carolina on September 18th 2015 – A pair of lights much brighter than than the usual airplane lights and also not the usual colors.

I went out to my driveway to smoke a cig. It is a clear night and I like to look up for shooting stars. I generally see a few planes flying overhead, either into Charlotte- Douglas or jus passing by. I have seen emergency and military helicopters fly by before as well. This object caught […]

UFO Sighting in Turner, Michigan on September 12th 2015 – I seen a large bright light it looked like a airplane going down but there was no explosion

I was laying down watching a movie when a bright light outside my patio window caught my attention it was going fast towards the ground it was heading north east I really thought I just witnessed a plane crash but there was no explosion it was a bright solid light it didn’t have a tale […]

UFO Sighting in Albany, New York on September 30th 1973 – Bright star-like flew hi speed stopped in front of airplane then shot straight up. Albany newscast at 11:pm reported UFO SIGHTING

I was standing in my friends backyard and looked up to see a bright white star like object flying at incredible speed directly behind a commercial airliner. When it caught up to the plane it made a dead stop in front of the plane then perpendicular to my position and the plane it made a […]
