
A look inside a papal airplane ride

The veteran Vatican journalists who routinely travel on the papal plane can become a bit blasé about sitting on an aircraft with the leader of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics. But for those who do it rarely – or perhaps only once , as in the case of …

UFO Sighting in Arosa, Braga on January 5th 2015 – First two ights unknown, third light is an airplane for comparison reason, last two lights are stationary.

I am using my nightvision regularly during the nights in Arosa, Switzerland to watch the sky. I just let the videorecorder run and check in the morning the footage. Usually I see a lot of airplanes but sometimes also round flying lights which might be satellites but they have various speed and on this video […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Dover, Delaware on January 2nd 2015 – my daughter noticed an object ahead of us which at first sight seemed to be an airplane but I was shocked to find a ufo instead.

Traveling south on route 13 with my daughter at 9:30pm when she noticed an object in the sky that seemed to be an airplane with flashing red and white lights. I dismissed it as an airplane for a moment as the object traveled southwest in the direction of d.c. after about a mile or so […]

UFO Sighting in Arroyo Grande, California on January 3rd 2015 – Bright light with bursts of light that pulsated coming off it in burst, star like pattern. It was too low to be a star, but higher than the airplane lights I observed. It has moved up and down in quick movements, but overall is slowly ascending.

Bright light with bursts of light that pulsated coming off it in burst, star like pattern. It was too low to be a star, but higher than the airplane lights I observed. It has moved up and down in quick movements, but overall is slowly ascending. We live on a hill and have a balcony […]

UFO Sighting in Plant City, Florida on December 28th 2014 – went outside just after dark seen/heard airplane west of me going south looked east seen an orange in moving at a rapid pace asked a friend if he seen it and continued watching til was gone 2more planes were coming from South to North right where object w

I walked outside 12-28-2014 heard an airplane just west of where I was standing also seen the flashing lights on the plane, Looked slightly east seen a Red-Orange light with no blinking lights ever, My friend walked up I asked do you see that he said where I pointed out where it was he said […]

UFO Sighting in Mechanicsville, Virginia on December 28th 2014 – Object looking like an airplane on fire headed to RIA for landing, turns north.

Unusual airplane light in the west sky approaching RIA. It looked like a plane on fire coming on for a normal approach to the airport by start in to turn as airplanes do. Then the light abruptly turns to the north with a quickness that no airplane landing at Richmond can perform. The light traveled […]

UFO Sighting in Surrey, British Columbia on December 21st 2014 – large red/orange pulsing, appeared far away but way larger than an airplane, no blinking lights – one solid mass of glowing light

Was standing in my driveway, facing East, throwing the ball for my dogs after work. Glanced up at sky (clear, mostly cloudless night, stars visible but only faintly as was still not long after sunset) and saw object. Noticed it because I had never seen anything like it, and while there are routinely airplanes in […]

UFO Sighting in Warren, Michigan on December 21st 2014 – saw two hovering lights in sky over Detroit. one shot across sky leaving one light. then another light appeared.  all were brighter than airplane in area.

saw two hovering lights in sky over Detroit. one shot across sky leaving one light. then another light appeared. all were brighter than airplane in area. Second light that shot across the sky to the west. Was gone. Before i got my phone out. Videos were from my cell phone, there was an airplane that […]

After 33 Years and an Airplane Explosion, Their Raiders of the Lost Ark Remake …

Chris Strompolos and Eric Zala had dreamed about the Flying Wing airplane since 1981, the summer the two middle schoolers saw its propellers shred the head off a German muscleman in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Thirty-three years later, they built it: a …

UFO Sighting in Westminster, Colorado on December 6th 2014 – Green blinking light with orange-red light, moved in directions, angled, not smooth curve like an airplane, hovered,

I was looking out my window when I saw what I initially took to be a firework. It was moving straight up from behind some houses in the distance. Then, it stopped and hovered. It stayed within my view for about 3 minutes. It moved randomly up, down, left, and right and sometimes stopped and […]
