
UFO Sighting in Lebec, California on June 7th 2014 – Very slow, strange moving, large airplane shaped

I was standing in the back yard with a friend and pointed out a large, slow and strange moving object in the sky. I’m not sure what made me notice it. We agreed no airplane could move that slow and strange, and no helicopter was that big. I ran and got the camera, took the […]

UFO Sighting in Batavia, Illinois on September 16th 2014 – Shiny sphere following airplane turned 180o and vanished into the sky

I was leaving the house with my wife to go grab a bite to eat. We were driving out on my street going East. The sky was completely clear and blue. Sunset had started and I was looking at the sky admiring the scenery. The sun light coming from the west was shining bright when […]

UFO Sighting in Portland, Oregon on September 6th 2014 – Bright white orb/ light. Silent. Not an airplane or lantern.

Saw a light moving across the sky. No FAA lights. Completely silent. Did not appear to be a Chinese lantern, have seen these before and it was not a lantern.

UFO Sighting in Owensville, Ohio on September 5th 2014 – Was not an airplane.  Best explanation, a drone.  No noise.

I was taking a walk with my family at our local park when my daughter noticed something in the sky which she said was an airplane. When I first saw it my first though was this was NOT an airplane. It made no noise, had a very shinny glow to it (almost white), and seemed […]

UFO Sighting in Westminster, Massachusetts on September 3rd 2014 – Object first appeared bright like reflection of sunlight on airplane, with apparent chem-trail. However, chem trail moved in tandem with bright object, shape and length remaining consistent. Object was cylindrical with one end brighter than rest of object

I was driving NW along route 2A outside of Westminster MA. I saw what I thought was a small, bright object emerge from a cloud. On first glance I thought I was looking at an aircraft. It was small and bright and appeared to have a chemtrail. However, as the object moved, the part that […]

UFO Sighting in Suzzara, Lombardy on September 2nd 2014 – Like ORBS but very fast compared with civil airplane in BrightSunSky , both without sound! then very distant from me! .Two  Militar airplane take many round in the sky!

I’m teased form many round of military airplane that fly over the town, i am gone out from the home to see what happens! and i think that they are here for military training because there are little military base near town! I observe the sky to find the military airplane and past one minute […]

UFO Sighting in Elmhurst, Illinois on August 13th 2014 – These objects had the same flight path as an airplane, roughly the same speed, altitude, size etc, but appeared more like a ball of flame rather than the lights of an aircraft.

We were outside in our pool, and there was a moderate amount of flight traffic from O’Hare Airport which is approximately ten miles away. We were watching some of the planes and then noticed what was flying like a plane, about the same speed and size, but the light it gave off was very different. […]

UFO Sighting in Martinez, California on January 26th 2014 – Low flying/ hovering dull gray ‘airplane’ with than without wings and directional change.

1. Where were you and what were you doing at the time? I was riding the train which was traveling next to some dry fields at the time I saw the air craft, it was about 11am. I was just looking out of the train window. 2. What made you first notice the object? I […]

UFO Sighting in Los Angeles, California on August 4th 2014 – I looked up at the half moon and noticed  an airplane flying west to east. Then I observed the object traveling down and over in the same direction the plane was heading. I then went to get my camera and realized my camera was useless in capturing image.

I was sitting in the courtyard outside my apartment. I looked up at the half moon, saw a plane flying by and then noticed another object in the sky. I noticed the object was moving slower and was not a airplane or helicopter. I thought the object could have been another plane at first. The […]

UFO Sighting in Vergas, Minnesota on August 2nd 2014 – orange light. didn't move. less than 1 minute. disappeared. not airplane or meteor.

orange light. didn’t move. less than 1 minute. disappeared. not airplane or meteor. it was very bright then suddenly ‘went out’. we’d love to hear an explanation
