
Black Triangle Sighting in Kingston, Ontario on 2019-02-09 00:00:00 – Triangle crafts and objects over cfb kingston base / cesis buildings, also large bright lights moving and green cylinder like portals showing up beside them and then slowly dissappearing, i have video from nightvision need to go through massive sighting

Will detail more laterp

UFO Sighting in San Antonio, Texas on 1996-05-31 03:00:00 – I was taken beside a major highway out side a fully nude strip club when i regain consciousness a insect type alien was in front of my face

I was taken outside a fully nude strip club in san antonio texas the year was 1996 i was in my 20s im 44 now when i regain consciousness i seen a giant insect type alien in front of me it was brown with big black oval shaped eyes that wrapped its head with character […]

Yellow Vest violence breaks out beside Paris tomb of Napoleon

Rioting broke out next to Napoleon Bonaparte’s tomb in Paris todayas protests erupted all over France with 84,000 anti-government Yellow Vests setting fires and vandalising buildings.

UFO Sighting in Chatham-Kent, Ontario on 2017-07-31 22:30:00 – My wife watched a large triangle fly over our yard. i was standing beside her and did not notice a triangle because i was transfixed by exhaust or propulsion of object

My wife and i have made it an annual affair to watch the perseid and leonid meteor showers (weather permitting) for the last 30 years.In the summer of 2017, while watching a local weather broadcast, the meteorolgist mentioned that the earth was going to pass thru a debris field of a comet and the chance […]

UFO Sighting in EXETER.., England on 2018-03-31 00:00:00 – April 2018 while fishing babbacombe pier, devon, uk, several unknown flying craft were photographed beside a in coming meteor shower.

I must start with a short message to the moderators & web site ajourners… please can you blow up this picture as much as needed so any folk reading this can see in good visability just what can be seen, i have taken this picture in a high ressolution and also with a good high […]

UFO Sighting in Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba on 2016-11-30 00:00:00 – A grey entity was standing in our bedroom beside our bed

My husband went to bed slightly before me, he was on the far side of the bed facing towards my side and the door. i came to bed slightly after him. i lay down and closed my eyes. i reopened my eyes as i had an uneasy feeling and saw a grey entity standing beside […]

UFO Sighting in Enterprise, Utah on 2018-05-04 02:52:00 – 2 greenish lights followed beside me as drove then hovered above me then disappeared then followed me home

I was driving home from st.George, ut to enterprise, ut heading northwest on highway 18 at approximately 2:45am. at approximately mile marker 38 i saw two green lights to the southwest of me, as i drove through the canyon the lights came closer towards me and was descending from the dark sky. my initial thought […]

UFO Sighting in Calgary, Alberta on 1994-11-03 00:00:00 – i was up ducted from my bedroom with my wife beside me. they took me to the far side of the moon where a medical experiment took place. they agreed to communicate with me and allow me to remember since no one would believe me.

in november 201994 i was working as the jail guard and had gone to bed because i had early shift the next day. i was awoken by a tall dark entity that seemed angry and there was a shorter one that communicated with me and i floated out of bed. once on the floor we […]

UFO Sighting in WAHGOSHIG FIRST NATIONS, Ontario on 2018-02-11 10:50:00 – My mom called me outside while there was three red lights flying or hovering beside a satellite then seemed to turn around then come back again all  in the same spot then  just vanish like it never existed

I was at home, watching netflix then my mom called me outside while having a smoke , and this was all around 10:50 10:45 pm, she notices three red loghts all aligned and close to each other so it was one ship, and it couldn’t of been an airplane or helicopter what such object had […]

Should this 'UFO' house be built beside Edvard Munch's studio? – The Spaces

The Spaces Should this 'UFO' house be built beside Edvard Munch's studio?The SpacesNorwegian artist Bjarne Melgaard has sparked controversy with his plans to build a 'UFO' home close to the site of Edvard Munch's former studio. Melgaard enlisted Snøhetta to design the sci-fi-esque sculpture – dubbed 'A House to Die in' – for a plot […]
