
UFO Sighting in Emeryville, California on 2017-08-21 02:21:00 – Bright flash of light brighter than the sun.  the light from the sky made night into day.

Sleeping and woke up around 3:15am. at 11:30am i reviewed the cctv security camera to verify if low motion detection setting recorded activity from the night sky. from the timeline there were 3 video events recorded from the night. at 2:15am-2:21am pdt there was a bright flash of light making night into day. the video […]

UFO Sighting in Muscatine, Iowa on 2017-08-11 21:34:00 – Flashing white light followed by a much brighter flash of white light.

At approximately 21:30/9:30 pm on 08/11/17 my wife, my 9 year old daughter and a 9 year old friend of my daughters, were out on our back deck looking for meteorites. my wife pointed out a white pulsating light to the west of our house, quite high in the sky, and in the area of […]

UFO Sighting in Albuquerque, New Mexico on 2017-08-05 21:30:00 – Non-sequential pulsating light, various brightness.Brightest light faded in twice, only when directly in front of me. brighter than head on airplane lights.

On roof meditating bright white flash in my peripheral though it was a satellite or plane.I have seen the sun glint off of satellites before and figured it may have just been that however…Satellites usually have a dim red or white glow to them, this was not the case. the object was impossible to see […]

UFO Sighting in Milan, Michigan on 2017-08-02 20:45:00 – bright light above airplane and it flew down past it and changed direction, got brighter then disappeared.

I was on my balcony watching the sun set. i was looking towards the west at the area where i saw a bright light yesterday same time. 8:30pm- 9pm. i remembered that i could check out aircraft flight online so i looked that up on my phone and was watching planes go by. i first […]

UFO Sighting in California on 2017-08-02 05:53:00 – Bright light brighter than residential street lamps. larger than car lights.  triangle formation above tree tops near residential homes on a elevated hill.

I was configuring a spectrometer and security camera to record the morning skies at my residence. it was a bright sunny morning at 5:50am. i often make a photograph of the view from the window every morning at sunrise. i noticed an extremely over-powered bright light. it was larger than street lamps. i noted the […]

UFO Sighting in Crestview, Florida on 2017-06-10 02:00:00 – Two seen one moving acros sky silent, other bright star and dim star. bright one became 10 times brighter and both moved off as if one huge craft no sound.

The first time i saw the white and orange object i was standing out in my yard having a smoke looking at the stars. i first thought i saw a meteor but the object flashed again and then went dark.Then again father to the east and this time it went orange then real bright light […]

UFO Sighting in Bluefield, Virginia on 2017-07-12 03:07:00 – I was sitting on my couch when i observed a light orange cigar shape in the sky. it remained stationary while clouds passed by it. the object was initially la dim light but became brighter before vanishing.

I was sitting on my couch when i observed a light orange cigar shape in the sky. it remained stationary while clouds passed by it. the object was initially a dim light but became brighter before vanishing. as the clouds passed by the object they too became brighter.

UFO Sighting in Grapevine, Texas on 2016-09-02 00:00:00 – I stepped outside looked straight up. i saw a bright star moving north. then it got brighter for one second then moved away. it was about 5 degrees north of zenith. i thought to myself black ops space vehicle. etv's dont use retro rockets

September 2,5:00am houston texas i step outside. it's dark. i look straight up. 5 degrees north of zenith i see a bright star moving north. then it gets brighter for one second and starts moving away. i thought to myself black ops space vehicle because extra terestrial vehicles don't fire retro rockets

UFO Sighting in Prestwood, England on 2017-05-30 01:00:00 – Multiple fast moving star size lights interacting with each other, high altitude (not satellites) & lower brighter bigger light flew over house & 2nd appeared & followed

I am a ufo enthusiast, i often observe clear skies with reasonably powerful binoculars. on the night i've dated above, i witnessed multiple very fast moving star sized lights, yellow/white in colour which cannot be seen with naked eye. they are usually visible for as long as i can see, or until they disappear out […]

UFO Sighting in Norwalk, Ohio on 2017-06-01 03:35:00 – 2 starlike objects that moved in unison slowly, paused, glowed brighter, then dimmed and took off

June 1st 2017 at 3:30ish am, walked outside with a friend to for a cigarette, looking for satellites when i noticed 2 faint star like objects that were moving so slowly that i first assumed were stars. we then noticed they were moving, and at first thought they were satellites. then we noticed that they […]
