
UFO Sighting in Bremerton, Kentucky on June 13th 2014 – 6 red lights in formation  got brighter as passed over me then dissapeared over school

as i was taking trash out at my church i observed one red twinkling light so bright looked like a fireball to the west as it was passing over my direction,i thought it might be new military plane they were testing, two more light appeared couple hundred feet apart as i was watching those three […]

UFO Sighting in Toledo, Ohio on June 5th 2014 – cloud-like structure  in sky with shining bright light, brighter than the fkyew clounds in the sh

As I was driving on West Sylvania Avenue by the mall going to an appointment, I noticed a very bright cloud like structure in the sky. It was not close to any other clouds at the time. It disappeared and reappeared in the same place twice during the time I was watching it. The third […]

Relatives of grandfather killed by speeding motorist slam celebrity lawyer Mr Loophole for saying he should have been wearing brighter clothes

Relatives of an 82-year-old rabbi killed as he was walking to his local synagogue in Whitefield, Greater Manchester have criticised Nick Freeman, the lawyer known as Mr Loophole after the driver escaped jail.

UFO Sighting in California on June 4th 2014 – diamond shape object with blueish White light when directly above US light got brighter .the light was solid and object had no flashing lights

when we were walking to the pool I looked up in notice a really bright blue and white diamond shape object in the sky it would speed up and slow down it had no flashing lights and no sound.a few nights before I was looking up in the sky and noticed the same bright object. […]

UFO Sighting in Victoria, British Columbia on June 1st 2014 – steady brightness, 5x brighter than brightest star, first witnessed approx one mile south of Esquimalt base. Watched for 30 sec. seemed higher than commercial airlines and therfore very big!

11:44 pm Sunday June 1st 2014. I live in Vic West/Esquimalt, Victoria BC. I went outside to star gaze toward the south for a few minutes before retiring. Immediately saw a very bright star, then noticed movement so thought it was a satellite. I watched and noticed the brightness was 5x brighter than any star. […]

UFO Sighting in Norwich, England on May 23rd 2014 – the outer edge was not so visible but it was long like a cigar and light metallic green in colour with two bars or rails running along ether side underneath that shone a brighter metallic green

23 May 2014 as my son and I were walking Stella the dog by the River Yare, and having sat down on the seat over looking the river situated south of Bland Road, Norwich, Norfolk, UK, we were commenting on the fighter jets roaring above our heads at great height. They looked very small when […]

UFO Sighting in Belcourt, North Dakota on April 10th 2014 – looked like a sattalite  but brighter didnt drop below horizon not an air craft or meterite displayed intelligent control

a friend and I were talking outside for about 10 minutes when I said look at that up in the sky what I thought I was seeing was the iss or sattalite except its brightness was irregular compared to most moving lights I have seen. I watched as it crossed from west to east above […]

UFO Sighting in Hamilton Township, New Jersey on October 14th 2013 – Unnatural  twin "star" formation observered in the W sky. Both objects at same high magnitude brighter than any other in a 10 and 4 o'clock close group formation. Lower "star"  brightened and then winked out, followed by other "star"  that winked out.

At about 8:30 PM Eastern I went outside and sat on the porch. I looked to my left which is to the western sky. I saw a tightly grouped formation of “stars”, one at 10 o’clock, the other 4 o’clock at about 25 degrees or so elevation. The sky was clear, with no restriction. They […]

UFO Sighting in Seymour, Tennessee on April 24th 2014 – Bright fuzzy light at very high altitude at least 5 times brighter than the stars, absolutely no sound.

My grandson and I were sitting in the hot tub when this object came out from behind our backyard trees almost directly overhead at a very high altitude. It was obviously not a plane cause it was round and bright white with a fuzzy edge and actually seemed to be glowing. There were no blinking […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Grifton, North Carolina on April 23rd 2014 – Noticed an object high in the sky at the 1 o'clock position. It was appeared triangular-shaped with green lights and a red light in the center. Not big because it was far away. It was stationary, next to brighter object.

I went outside at about 3 am alone to see a meteor shower that was occur on 4/23/14. I was on my back porch and the sky was clear, but I couldn’t find one shooting star after several minutes. Then I noticed an object high in the sky at the 1 o’clock position. It appeared […]
