
UFO Sighting in Wilmington, North Carolina on November 19th 2013 – Bright glowing orb. About 4 times bigger and brighter than a star.

The last couple of nights my friend who has been staying with me has been telling me he has been seeing a ufo like object. I dismissed it as a star, but it has been dissapearing in between his smoke breaks he takes outside. So. Went outside t see it, and it was in the […]

UFO Sighting in Pittston, Maine on November 4th 2013 – Bright light resembling a star, but bigger and brighter

My parents and I were on our road in the vehicle drinking out of town. My dad as looking up in the sky and sa a bright light, then noticed it was moving. I first thought it was a star. The object followed the vehicle, turned when we turned,sped up with us, when lost in […]

UFO Sighting in Chesterfield, Missouri on November 2nd 2013 – Large Orange orbs (6 to 9) that flew as fast as a plane following the exact flight path and than disappeared in the sky. They were larger and brighter than any object I've ever seen.

Opened the door to let the dog outside and noticed several Orange orbs in the western sky. These were much larger and brighter than I have very seen so did not think it was a plane. The strange thing about them they were following each others fight paths. Flying exactly the same each was a […]

UFO Sighting in Sidney, Ohio on November 3rd 2013 – Large white & multi colored stationary orb. Went brighter & larger then small & just disappeared. No FAA lights on it. Husband saw it too.

I was driving west on DeWees Road in Shelby County, OH just after 8pm tonight. I noticed this large white and multi colored orb pulsating about 45 degrees up from the treeline. I kept watching it as I drove and saw it go extreemly bright white and huge for a few seconds before it changed […]

UFO Sighting in Batavia, Ohio on November 3rd 2013 – star-like approx 20 + X's bigger & brighter, no other stars visible, miles ++ up, exact same spot for 6mi travel in car

November 3, 2013 @ 6:40 pm On my way to work pm shift driving on Route 32 westbound through Batavia then Eastgate. I viewed a bright, stationary white light. No movement. No other stars or celestial shining lights viewed while driving. 31% cloud cover according to weather station online report. The light must have been […]

UFO Sighting in Oyster Bay, New York on November 1st 2013 – extremely bright light, stationary and brighter than the planes passing around, possibly a comet or meteor, brighter than stars in the sky, looked like a huge flood light, illuminated the sky around it with bright white light

I went out on my balcony to smoke a cigarette. My house is high up on a hill, and surrounded by trees. I am facing north west looking above the tree line towards NYC, when I see a bright light. I see other planes flying about, but this light is brighter than the planes. It […]

UFO Sighting in Martinez, California on October 31st 2013 – Brilliant white ball. looked almost the size of venus. Bigger and brighter than any meteor

1) I was walking uphill on pine st. with my boy trick or treating. 2)It was so bright and sooo fast. 3) I thought it was a UFO.I was Navy air and am a sky watcher and have NEVER seen anything like this. 4)I noticed it at about 12:oo moving East to West. I don’t […]

UFO Sighting in Kellyville, New South Wales on October 30th 2013 – Just seen a very bright flash, brighter than any star. Then it disappeared as quickly as it came.

I was at home, Outside because I couldn’t sleep, something had woken both myself and my partner up. My Partner was with me, but he didn’t see the light.I was already looking up at the night sky because it was slightly cloudy and had been raining earlier in the day. It just flashed once, as […]

UFO Sighting in Bradenton, Florida on October 23rd 2013 – Observed object multiple times as it circled around. Plenty of airplanes in the air, this wasn't one. It was brighter than anything i've seen and very low to the ground.

I was outside with my girlfriend smoking a cigarette when she pointed out a bright light moving behind some trees across the street. At first i figured it was an airplane, but as it emerged i was shocked at how bright and close by it was. The object appeared as a very bright aura of […]

UFO Sighting in San Diego, California on October 17th 2013 – Bright light, brighter and larger than any star, hovered then dimmed to almost nothing, then quickly flew north

Just a few hours ago at 5:37am on 17 October, 2013, I went out for a smoke. I immediately noticed a bright stationary light in the dark sky. This light was brighter and larger than any star in the sky and I knew it wasn’t a star. For comparison, it was at least twice the […]
