
UFO Sighting in Denver, Colorado on 2019-04-26 08:15:00 – Ufo entered atmosphere, would flash/strobe while hovering, faded in/out of reality multiple times and flew around. was brighter than the sun.

At around 8:13-8:15 am i noticed what looked like a meteor falling into the city of denver whilst on my way into the city using 6th ave. i noticed this "meteor" while driving at around 40-60 mph right before crossing underneath the 6th to i-25 north overpass. thinking it was a meteor i returned my […]

UFO Sighting in Lincoln, Nebraska on 2019-04-25 20:50:00 – Bright light appearwe starlike but got brighter then moved straight to the right fast, then stopped and hovered. then diagnonally moved up then down

First one appeared starlike, then got brighter and moved. the other appeared after the video and were similar but not as bright but moved fast then hovered and could move diagonally. during he period where more appeared and it looked like one large jet flew over but it as we watched, it then looked like […]

UFO Sighting in Raseborg,  on 2019-03-06 05:25:00 – Bright, star-like objec. got brighter, then disappeared.

I was on my way to work 5:25am driving along road 25 between tammisaari and karjaa heading east towards karjaa. clear sky not a single cloud and lots of stars visible. and here's where it gets weird. i was looking at the sky, reminiscing the earlier event, (case 99434) and tought to myself how cool […]

UFO Sighting in Seoul, Seoul on 2019-02-07 19:02:00 – It is really brighter than the stars in the sky

Location: chuncheon highway service area, south korea date and time: 07/02/2019 19:02pm by nikon p1000 i uploaded the record file in my youtube chennel. https://www.Youtube.Com/watch?V=gnbnqfp_aui i attached the orginal video clip. i got out of my car and looke up the sky. there was a very bright star over the east sky. i stared it […]

UFO Sighting in Ider, Alabama on 2005-08-01 20:00:00 – Seen a star beside setting sun. got brighter then came in view.

Me and uncle were standing outside watching the sunset. i dont remember the exact month but i do remember it was summer. we noticed a bright star beside the sun and discussed it had to be a planet because of its brightness. over the next 10 to 15 minutes the star got brighter and brighter. […]

UFO Sighting in Cockfield (village), England on 2019-01-18 07:10:00 – 3 witnesses, starlike or spherical with jagged light, pulsates, brighter and dimmer then faded with a small red dot at the centres. was thinking about spaceships/ spirit guides at the time. first thought it was street lamp, don’t have those. excited, love

I was walking to my bus stop, saw an unfamiliar white star and took a picture of it to make sure it was just a star. still haven’t checked. i was thinking about visitation then waited for my bus. before i got there i spotted the object. 3 people on the bus thought it was […]

UFO Sighting in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario on 2018-12-30 00:00:00 – Large glowing orb the color of chinese sky lanterns that followed above us 3-5 minutes while pulsing brighter and brighter at times . it then at unseen speeds prior seemingly speed off , up wards into the sky? space ? it was like a magic trick .

Hi i was recently making a trip across canada from southern ontario on my way to alberta . i am 28 and my wife with me , the only other passenger but also a witness to the event is 26 . we were supposed to be making a trip to house sit for someone we […]

UFO Sighting in Middletown, Delaware on 2019-01-02 06:36:00 – Bright glowing orbs in the sky. close together, brighter than airplanes, like a spotlight stationary in the sky.

I was driving east to head to work. there is a field in front of the road i use everyday that normally is wide open and has great sunrises. i noticed bright glowing orbs in the sky in the distance. they were not in any specific order and ranged about 25 to 30 degrees on […]

UFO Sighting in Wellington, Florida on 2019-01-01 14:00:00 – White/silver object at very high altitude (above high cloud ceiling). stationary. reflecting sun or getting brighter on its own. cloud came and dissapeared behind it.

My son and i were flying his drone. we brought it to an sltitude of 1100ft and was hovering. i was watching the drone as he was wayching the screen. at 1100ft, the drone was a speck, barely visible to the nakee eye. as i was watching the drone, i noticed another object off to […]

UFO Sighting in San Jose, California on 2019-01-01 05:57:00 – Bright star like glow but much brighter than star stationary is sky

I was having a smoke outside my house, when i noticed the oddly bright light in the sky though it may have been a plane or helicopter though there was no sound or movement in any direction. at this point it i thought it could have been a star however was brighter than any star […]
