
UFO Sighting in Glasgow, Scotland on 2018-09-12 22:30:00 – A large ball of white light that grew brighter then dimed, grew brighter then faded

Was driving home along the m74 motorway around 10.30pm. me and my girlfriend were the only ones in the car. before we reached the cut off for motherwell we could see in the sky a strange bright light that seemed to appear from nowhere. it got incredibly bright so much that i thought it was […]

UFO Sighting in Clearfield, Utah on 2018-08-20 10:04:00 – Looked up thought was plane got brighter, thought iss maybe, then changed direction and faded away.

I went out to have a smoke, looked up as i usually do to see planes and shooting stars. saw a light and thought it was a plane. it got brighter (golden light to bright white) then thought iss or satellite reflecting the sun. the object then made what appeared to be a j turn […]

UFO Sighting in Agua Dulce, California on 2018-08-13 01:15:00 – 3 brighter than star-like orbs form triangular formation then leave in different directions then disappear

late sunday night (august 12th, 2018) into early monday morning (august 13th, 2018), i set off to vasquez rocks, ca to photograph the peak of the perseid meteor shower. i've never actually captured a shooting star in a photo before so i was excited to pull this off for the first time. the rugged landscape […]

UFO Sighting in Austin, Texas on 2018-08-13 00:00:00 – Blue/green flashing light that was moving erratically, then started flashing brighter red and i lost sight of it

I was on the balcony having a cigarette, and noticed this flashing light, and figured it was probably a helicopter, but it was moving odd. when i saw a plane cross the path and it seemed the light was higher than the plane, i grabbed my phone and started recording it. we had low clouds, […]

UFO Sighting in California on 2018-08-11 21:30:00 – Laying out side on my deck looking at the stars i saw a ufo directly above my head in the sky, i watched this object that was a little brighter than the star from left to right, up and down in straight lines in circles in a square and drop you like a leaf

I used to go outside regularly in the past and sit outside in my lounge chair and look at the stars while my wife was sitting inside watching tv and on occasion she would come out and watch it with me. we could tell the difference between commercial airline and a military plane because they […]

UFO Sighting in Las Vegas, Nevada on 2018-08-06 21:15:00 – My gf and i were i outside by my car looking at constellations, when i noticed a bright orb moving not blinking nor red lights or anything. the light moved ne, till it faded away. not even 5 minutes later it was back, it grew brighter and faded again.

My girlfriend and i were outside smoking by my car, when she pointed out the big dipper and other constellations. i was looking up at the light post by my neighbors, when i noticed a bright glowing orb, that was fading in and out, growing brighter, not transmitting any sound, nor blinking red lights like […]

UFO Sighting in Saint Cloud, Florida on 2018-08-08 02:00:00 – Saw two lights no bigger or brighter than a star moving south to northeast in tandem.  one appearing to be in front the other in the back and moving in a perfectly straight line.  possibly on entity with two lights.  lights slowly dimmed out of view.

Saw two lights no bigger or brighter than a star moving south to northeast in tandem. one appearing to be in front the other in the back and moving in a perfectly straight line. possibly on entity with two lights. could not discern any shapes just simply two lights. after tracking the lights for about […]

Watch: St. Lucia comes to terms with technology in new video for ‘A Brighter Love’

St. Lucia looks for more of a connection to others in the real world in their new music video for “A Brighter Love.” The video was shared on Thursday, following the song’s initial premiere earlier this summer back in late June. The video was directed by Kevin Clark, and touches on the sad the honest…

Black Triangle Sighting in Hesston, Kansas on 2018-07-29 05:35:00 – 3 white corner lights, brighter red light in center, solid shape.

Sitting in company parking lot, watching cloud lightning, storm had just passed. noticed lights coming into view out of driver window above car, spent a few minutes trying to make out what it was. traveling roughly at 5 knots. a couple flashes of cloud lightning in the distance showed the shape of the a triangle […]

UFO Sighting in Independence, Oregon on 2018-07-24 23:03:00 – Look in the sky brighter then any thing else

I was looking outside at night and i noticed something really bright i got my phone and zoomed in and it looked as if it where exploding
