
UFO Sighting in Littleton, Colorado on 2020-09-14 20:00:00 – Stationary lights observed by 4 occupants of my vehicle.  lights began to appear and change locations before one fell and the rest disappeared..

Myself and three other family members were driving up the street toward our house at approximately 1950 hours. as we continued northbound, we all noticed 4-6 strange lights in the sky straight ahead of us at about 340 degrees nw from our location and approximately 30 degrees off of the horizon. after i stopped the […]

A migrant mother saw her disabled son walk into the U.S. Then he disappeared

On Aug. 24, after waiting for five months in the violent Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez for a U.S. asylum hearing, Elida, a Guatemalan migrant, decided to send her disabled 12-year-old son Gustavo into the United States alone. Elida feared for Gustavo’s safety in Mexico, after a stranger tried to take him from her, […]

UFO Sighting in Vacaville, California on 2020-09-07 20:15:00 – Saw a strange light jn the sky, than it stopped and dropped 5 small orbs of light than disappeared.

I had just pulled up to my house and got out of my car and noticed a strangely orange light in the sky. my husband said it was probably just a plane but as we watched it it did not move like a plane. it slightly swayed, did not move in a straight line, and […]

UFO Sighting in Eagle Lake, Ontario on 2020-08-22 01:30:00 – Bright white orb travelled straight and then disappeared.

We were getting ready for bed in a screened-in area and through the trees saw a large, circular object glowing bright white moving across the horizon to our left. after a second or so, it vanished suddenly. there is no road where we saw it, it's just like empty forest. we had been stargazing around […]

UFO Sighting in Lytle, Texas on 2020-08-25 07:30:00 – Silver tic tac object reflecting sunlight moving slowly my right to my front, looked down and the looked up, it had disappeared in a clear sky.

Traveling south on interstate 35 early in the morning just after sunrise near devine, texas, noticed a small silvery pill shaped object far away in the lower sky in front of me. it was moving slowly from my 1 to 2 o’clock on my right to almost in front of me. it was reflecting the […]

UFO Sighting in Dana Point, California on 2020-08-21 19:20:00 – White oval light shooting star speed left to right. disappeared then right to left disappeared then right to left horizontal to slightly downward . br

3 neighbors and i saw this shooting star speed larger than a star about 1-3 miles away. bright but defined. neighbor said looked like military but too fast. horizontal to slight decending, rapid stop and direction change twice. when it stopped the light disappeared then appeared as it changed direction in less than a second.

UFO Sighting in Waterford Township, Michigan on 2020-08-19 08:40:00 – There was a very bright, white, orb-shaped light in the sky. it disappeared, reappeared, then disappeared again.

While transporting a client, i was stopped at a red light on eastbound middlebelt road at the intersection of middlebelt and eight mile. in the sky in the distance, i noticed a bright, white, orb-shaped object floating. it looked kind of like the moon when it is still visible in the morning sky, but much […]

UFO Sighting in Sedan, Kansas on 2020-08-18 21:11:00 – Green light traveling in a speed never seen in the area. duration under a second. disappeared in mid-air. no visual records.

I was returning home, in my car, at around 21h11min or 9:11pm, me as a passenger, when suddenly i observed in a blink of an eye one green light, flying higher as an airplane, with a speed of probably 6 to 7 times faster than any other thing i've ever seen. it flew in a […]

UFO Sighting in Blackwood, New Jersey on 2020-08-16 20:00:00 – Several objects seen in sky that disappeared and re appeared and blinked

While driving down the highway noticed 2 aircraft flying close together to low and close to be airplanes had a fire glow to them. after getting of the highway i saw several of them just floating in the sky. i wanted to pull over and get a better picture and video. it when i tried […]

UFO Sighting in Harrison charter Township, Michigan on 2020-08-16 20:30:00 – Very bright stationary light/object that then exploded leaving 3 individual lights, 1 red light. all then disappeared.

Bright light straight above that did not appear to be moving. after looking at it for about 5 minutes with it not moving, grabbed binoculars. while viewing with binoculars, still a stationary very bright light. after about 1-2 minutes of viewing with binoculars it appeared to explode – like “proofedâ€� onto 3 individual white lights […]
