
UFO Sighting in Downingtown, Pennsylvania on 2017-11-05 04:00:00 – Saw three orange orbs rising above a treeline… maybe one rising per min. looked like fire. lasted all together about 10mi

Was leaving for work about 4am. saw two glowing orbs rising above the tree line near my house. went in to wake my husband and when he came out side the orbs appeared to be almost out of site and re-appeared from behind the clouds far away. then one more appeared moments later and flew […]

UFO Sighting in Westminster, South Carolina on 2017-09-15 00:00:00 – I as talking on the phone and saw a silver cigar type ufo with black or dark ends. did not make any sound, no lights, no smoke or trail. as an helicopter aprpoaches the area, the object hides in a cloud.  i wait for about 11 min. but never came out.

I was talking on the phone on a bright beautiful morning about noon and as i was looking at the sky,i saw what seemed to look like an airplane but i could'n see the wings. i looked more in detail and see that in fact the object was a silver cigar shape, no wings with […]

UFO Sighting in Buford, Georgia on 2017-08-13 17:00:00 – Extremely bright hovering object at very high altitude that remained stationary for over 30 min. then gradually moved away.

I was visiting my daughter and watching my grandson at a play area. i was sitting on a bench facing ne. i leaned back and was looking ne into the clear blue sky. then i realized that there was a very tiny bright light high in the sky and i happened to be looking right […]

UFO Sighting in Maine on 2017-08-12 21:58:00 – Had taken 10 photos within 1 min. on 4 of them there was a metallic  long gated object. i was going 8mph

See above.

UFO Sighting in Berlin, New Hampshire on 2017-08-27 23:00:00 – Saw stationary flashing lights for 15 minutes. lights appeared to dim for 5 min. then completely disappeared.

Sitting on our couch looking out the big picture window that faces due west. noticed a vivid flashing light that looked too bright and low to be a star. after using binoculars to get a better look at it, it became clear that it was not a planet/star. my girlfriend and i watched this light […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Saint Albans, West Virginia on 2017-07-25 05:30:00 – Hovered for about 90 min., got excellent cell phone pic, triangular craft tethering object

Couldn't sleep, went out to front porch to drink coffee and smoke. saw large what i thought was a star, but 3 close together. took great pic on my cell phone. object in photo was triangular with a tether that was oblong, 2 other identical as on the tether sticking out from left side of […]

UFO Sighting in Marion, Iowa on 2017-07-03 20:45:00 – 1st of 4 consecutive sightings, with photo. while watching fireworks to the west, at end of street, bright reddish-orange glowing orb just appeared next to the fireworks. hovered for appox 2 min. size of moon, then slowly shrank until  became invisible.

July 3, 2017 at approximately 8:45pm. 1st of 4 consecutive sightings, with in approximately 20 minutes. (i'm reporting them separately) i was at a pre-4th of july party and we were at the end of the driveway in a residential neighborhood watching fireworks going off to the west, at the end of the street, a […]

UFO Sighting in Fountain Valley, California on 1980-07-31 00:00:00 – Two seperat sighting within 30 min of each other. after cluster of 5-6 crafts shot up and disappeared, city went dark 10-15 min. twenty minutes later larger craft appears similar pattern once this craft shoots up, city lights go off for about 30 minutes.

This occurred many years ago but it is something that i will never forget and as a result has impacted my belief system to this day. this was the summer of 1980 i was 17 the summer before my senior year. a girlfriend and i decided to go see a movie at the drive-in theater. […]

UFO Sighting in Rochester Hills, Michigan on 2017-04-16 22:58:00 – Observed a white star-like object in the ne suddenly brighten, moved 40 deg across the sky to the se, then stopped 10 deg above and s of jupiter. stayed 20 min.

I was outside at 9pm because i wanted to see if a white star-like object, which has recently come over my yard from the south about the same time and direction every day, would come by again.I was trying to see if that object was a satellite (though it was much too bright, a steady […]

UFO Sighting in Lexington, Kentucky on 2017-02-17 00:00:00 – Starlike low, moved very slowly across sky, gone in 15 min.

About 9pm i went to window, saw the light ( looked like a star ) but it was really low to ground…Maybe 1,000 ft up. i filmed it for 15 minutes, and it started out over my apt's about 5,000 ft maybe…And proceeded to go lower and lower, and moved very slowly, almost stationary looking. […]
