
UFO Sighting in Stayner, Ontario on 2018-02-23 06:27:00 – 3 bright lights appearing then fizzling out. reduced to 2. then only 1. video recorded

1. driving to work 2. they were very bright and very far 3. top of a radio tower, street light 4. very slow moving, disappearing and reappearing. below cloud level. illuminated bottom of cloud. 5. extreme excitement when i realized they were fizzling in and out of view and illuminating cloud bottoms. 6. lost sight […]

UFO Sighting in Sharpsville, Pennsylvania on 2018-01-19 14:55:00 – Cluster of white orbs spinning amongst them selves – slow fade out.

Clear day, only very high cirrus clouds off in the distance. 2:55 pm observed a grouping of approx 10-12 orbs circulating amongst themselves, similar to seeing a group of moths flying around a light bulb but only at as slower rate. very high in the air, seemed way too high for birds. flight pattern not […]

UFO Sighting in  Oswestry ( town ), England on 2017-12-18 19:45:00 – This object glittered ( like venus, but wrong time of day and moved), bright random colours. moved left to right.Faded out.

i spotted this small / distant iridescent sphere whilst standing in my garden. (i have an open garden surrounded by nearby open countryside, with a great view of the sky.). i live alone and pop out into the garden to look for interesting objects several times every night. this glittering star like object immediately caught […]

UFO Sighting in Azle, Texas on 2014-11-30 00:00:00 – A large cigar shaped large craft moving slowly but it was moving with the widest side was the front and it had a large window. we could see 4 giant beings standing looking out. had a orange glow inside craft. felt very electric in the air. silent. seemed

I was driving home from another family members home. my 2 daughters and granddaughters were following me home. i have seen various multiple different objects. i was very afraid and thought i was crazy. but when my daughter's following told me they saw it too i was relieved. that same night before we left. 2 […]

UFO Sighting in Hazleton, Pennsylvania on 2017-12-03 17:00:00 – Star-like bright light, no sound, no movement, watched for several minutes and then it just winked out. no object in sky where it was while shining.

My wife and i were driving to her place of employment in hazleton around 5 pm. it was still light enough to see aircraft in the sky. as we approached our destination i observed a bright white light in the sky to the south. at first i thought it was just an aircraft light, but […]

UFO Sighting in Great Falls, Montana on 1972-04-12 11:00:00 – On return to base. vehicle engine stopped. radio inoperative. ufo craft came out of clouds, huge, silver, square rectangle shape at least 300 ft tall, hovering, turning slowly looks like mothership. we all saw, couldnt move. then craft turned, sped out.

It was around the middle of april of 1972. it was broad daylight, around 1100 hours. we were on our way back to base at malmstrom afb, montana and was a beautiful crisp spring day. the sun was shining and the sky was clear blue and nice white clouds all around. i was the security […]

UFO Sighting in Los Angeles, California on 2017-11-25 00:00:00 – Observed white bright orb like object with no faa lights for approx 10 until it slowly blinked out.

Was watching a movie and decided to walk out in the back yard and get some fresh air opened my door and looked up then i observed a white bright orb like object with no faa lights for approx 10 moving in a north easterly direction just as i was about to go get my […]

“Out There…Somewhere”: Did a UFO buzz Grovetown? – WJBF-TV

WJBF-TV “Out There…Somewhere”: Did a UFO buzz Grovetown?WJBF-TV“These triangle sightings have gone back to the 1950's so what is it's the million dollar question,” said Donnie Brooke. Donnie doesn't have a just passing interest in UFOs, he's a card carrying member of MUFON, The Mutual UFO Network. “I said holy …

UFO Sighting in Spokane, Washington on 2017-09-27 19:30:00 – Bright moving slowly in the sky-straight line -no blinking lights.  faded out.

Sitting in back yard. looked up and saw strange bright light moving slowly. not like regular air traffic. watched light fade out within seconds as it continued to move. no clouds. i have never observed this before. too close to be a satellite.

UFO Sighting in Phoenix, Arizona on 2017-09-24 19:20:00 – Two objects which appeared stationary at first just east of where moon was in sky started moving . 1st object went nnw second went nne. no sound no change in brightness and no fading of light just blinked out.

I was sitting outside having a cigarette around 7:20 pm looking at the crescent moon when, what i first thought was a star started to move and continued moving nnw. i followed the object wi5h my eyes for approximately 2 minutes. i was to say the least perplexed by what i saw. then about 1 […]
