
UFO Sighting in Miramar Beach, Florida on March 30th 2013 – Circular lighted, 5 or 6 lights, like car headlights, hovering, being dynamically positioned and returning to Mothercraft.  Bright red light seen by neighbors and two more lighted circular arranged drones  and large flying wing Mother ship jumping accross

I had just gone to bed, then I heard my neighbor yell, “Hey Rick, come and see the UFO! I got up and went outside too see it. I stood under the craft that looked like a circular set of lights resembling beams of white light like a Car has. The craft moved in to […]

John Paul II seen in Pope Francis, Vatican official reflects :: Catholic …

Rome, Italy, Apr 2, 2013 / 10:53 am (CNA/EWTN News).- On the eighth anniversary of Blessed John Paul II's death, the Vatican official in charge of overseeing his canonization process says that people see some of him in Pope Francis.

UFO Sighting in Bunbury, Western Australia on April 1st 2013 – Two very bright stars spotted side by side above the constellation hydra, suddenly fade and a few seconds later two sperate flashes of light with a pulse effect were seen in the same area.

Me and my wife were on the balcony having a cigarette and looking at the stars when i noticed to very bright stars side by side above the constellation hydra, they were as bright as Venus is when its in our night sky. i know the night sky very well and knew that the only […]

UFOs, Nessie seen near Shoals – The Decatur Daily

The Decatur Daily UFOs, Nessie seen near ShoalsThe Decatur DailyGrabryan believes the UFO presence supports the notion that trends always make a comeback. “Years ago, we had a lot of people chasing them in the Shoals,” he said. “I guess that's coming back around.” As for the Loch Ness Monster? “Nessie? I guess …and more »

UFO Sighting in Green Sea, South Carolina on March 28th 2013 – 3rd time we have seen this craft blinks all different colors very bright last 2 times was directly south of the house and. Hovered for hours before leaving

On my iPad so will make it short, I hate this keypad thingy. Same as before multi colored lights flashing pulsating . Got some pictures and video but to far off to be great. Been hoping it would come back and had camera ready just to far away to see good but thru binoculars you […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Sheffield, England on August 7th 1987 – stealth like know where to be to not be seen

few sites if i had good camera would get photo,s. triangle delta ,buzz,( like the sound you get from a fridge with the coolent bottle ) makes me believe there is some sort of freezing taking place. this was reported also back in 87 but the story told is bull nothing like the real ( […]

UFO Sighting in New York, New York on July 10th 1978 – seen frm tapanzee br ny in 1978 est

passanger in car…gazed up at the sky..we new it was not of this shape hovering with metal like color exs underneath along with something that appeared to look like a curtin beneath the football shape..i felt amazed at what we! seen was in news paper and there were multi sightings in the weeks to […]

Meteor captured on video seen from Maine to Florida

Last Friday night, a bright meteor streaked through the skies above the east coast. Witnesses from Maine to Florida reported seeing the object, and a few videos were taken, including in Manhattan and Maryland. The sightings caused a social media buzz, and are leaving people to wonder, yet again, why we are seeing so many […]

UFO Sighting in Indian Harbour Beach, Florida on March 23rd 2013 – My daughter called me at 8:30pm to tell me that she and her friend had been watching a reddish orange light hovering in the sky. We both have seen these lights in our town together and separately.  I came to pick her up and saw another one myself .

My daughter called me from a baseball field to tell me that her and her friend had been watching these reddish orange lights hover and fly over them. They made no noise and pulsed. They traveled in different directions and hovered in the wind. I came to pick her up at her friend’s house after […]

UFO Sighting in Lafayette, Indiana on March 23rd 2013 – standing in driveway and looked up and seen orange orb strreak across sky from north to west then disappeared instantly after ten minutes

I spent the evening cleaning my garage. After I finished for the evening I went to the driveway to smoke a cigarette – approx 9:45 – and was looking up at the night sky and saw a bright orange orb over to the north coming across the tree line. I instantly yelled to my wife […]
