
UFO Sighting in Fayetteville, North Carolina on July 29th 2013 – Witnessed a large barbelled shaped craft hovering over the treeline.

On the evening of july 29th, 2013 at approximately 9:45p.m. while driving home on a lonely dark country road I saw what appeared to be a set of stadium lights rising above the trees in a wooded area about 1/4th of a mile off the road. I was briefly perplexed thinking “I didn’t know there […]

UFO Sighting in Ionia, Michigan on April 1st 1966 – 400ft, silent, black oval shaped object hovering above 50-60ft pine forest in rural Michigan. The object moved very, very slowly a few feet above the treeline. Absolutely quiet with NO air disturbance to the surrounding trees, etc. Oval blackened the star

It was spring or fall in 1964-1965. I was approximately 11-12 years old. My family was visiting a small farm surrounded by a large(30-40ft) pine forest in a very desolate, rural area of Michigan. A friend and I decided to go for a walk down the straight road which led to the house. It was […]

UFO Sighting in Wellston, Michigan on July 28th 2013 – saw a cigar shaped object with three windows above the tree line

I was at my parents house in wellston michigan taking a walk out back. I stopped next to my dads trailer to relieve myself when I looked up and seen a cigar shaped white obkect with three porthole windows in it. It hovered a few hundred feet adove the trees and then moved towards the […]

UFO Sighting in Los Angeles, California on July 27th 2013 – Six orange objects with a black dot in center hovering in sky at night shaped like UPENN emblem and dissappeared one by one.

Six orange objects with a black dot in the center suddenly appeared and hovered in the sky at night shaped like the UPENN emblem and dissappeared one by one. Another individual visiting the Sherman Oaks area witnessed the same and wondered what the objects were. Like me, she was taking pictures with her Smart Phone. […]

UFO Sighting in Erie, Pennsylvania on July 26th 2013 – Appeared as a bright deep red. Shaped as a top, and bottom wobbled as it was stationary. Moved away slightly then shrank as it faded away, but did appear to move away.

I and my wife plus two teenaged grandchildren were returning home from a baseball game. It was just about 11 pm on 7/26/13. We were traveling to our home in Southeast Erie Pa., and we were traveling southeast on our Bayfront Highway. We became engrossed in viewing a really huge, crystal clear, moon that was […]

UFO Sighting in Los Angeles, California on July 27th 2013 – White lights  , about 15 white spheres and 2 red spheres and 1 red cone shaped

I was watching tv and I randomly went outside and played with my dog as I laided in the grown I notice 3 white spehers Ina shape of a triangle I stare for about 4 mins and 1 disappears then one of them moves away from the other and both disappeared . The in the […]

Jellyfish Shaped UFO Captured on Camera in California – Who Forted?

Trust Greg Newkirk to find news before it’s news. Faster than one can say “Pics or it didn’t happen”, a UFO report at MUFON shows a strange craft as a human assumes the position for a probing. Same goes for a Mrs. Dearing who’s lucky enough to get a ‘UFO’ Photographed Over East Hull last […]

UFO Sighting in Walled Lake, Michigan on July 23rd 2013 – Five reflective silvery gray cylinder blimp shaped silent objects, tree top level, going west to east,  several hundred feet apart, training along same path.

Witness (A) was in the yard when she noticed several; long reflective silvery gray cylinder, blimp shaped, silent objects passing overhead at treetop level at 9:02 pm, just after sunset. She called out to her husband, witness (B) to come out and see these objects. Looked to be about 10 feet long and 2 feet […]

UFO Sighting: Cigar Shaped Strange Flying Object Filmed, Debated Over in … – International Business Times AU

International Business Times AU UFO Sighting: Cigar Shaped Strange Flying Object Filmed, Debated Over in …International Business Times AUUFO sightings are always exciting for paranormal believers. On the other hand, some people are quick to question reported sightings, offering more realistic explanations. An old cigar shaped "UFO" video is drawing fresh comments. But is it […]

UFO Sighting in Oregon on July 24th 2013 – Cigar shaped day ufo changes to sphere, vanishes.

I was waiting for a bus at the station and off in the distance (not sure how far), a faint flash caught my attention in the sky. It blended in quite well to the cloudless, sunny sky. I observed an object, cigar-like in shape, on a straight and downward path at first, then the object […]
