
UFO Sighting in Hammonton, New Jersey on 2018-07-17 02:03:00 – Bouncing movements then stationary to naked eye. video zoom and frame stop-various colors and shapes

Awake at 2 am and spotted bouncing ball of light over my blueberry field. captured 2 minutes and 40 seconds of video containing a stationary "ball of light" once zoomed in and frame stopped, it appears to be a meteor that "stayed still" can not wrap our heads around this. most amazing and beautiful thing […]

UFO Sighting in Carolina Beach, North Carolina on 2018-07-10 21:00:00 – On the evening of 7/10/18, at carolina beach, nc, 5 adults saw 10-12 red circular lights that changed position and shapes over a 45 minutes.

while on a family vacation with 5 adults sitting on the balcony of a north carolina coastal condominium, my son and husband both saw a red circular light appear, disappear, and reappear in the south- eastern sky about 45 degrees above the ocean’s approximate horizon around 9 pm on 7/10/2018. this happened over a 5-10 […]

UFO Sighting in Toronto, Ontario on 2018-06-24 22:15:00 – Object in video hovers low,strange shapes photo

Object doing its usual friendly blimking.

UFO Sighting in Brant, Ontario on 2016-06-05 21:45:00 – Flying, hovering, changing colors and shapes 4 years of activity in photo's and video

I live in burford ontario,canada. we look a stars often at night sitting in the back yard. i noticed unusual star like shining objects, took some photos as these "stars" were very different then any others we have seen before they moved and were oddly shaped. from 2016 to present i have been taken multiple […]

UFO Sighting in Shannon, Manawatu-Wanganui on 2018-06-02 07:15:00 – Looks like a star follows me many of them, isnt stars, when you not a ship looking thing zooming it it changes shapes and gives a meancing energy messes with my head hurts my brain and causes anxiety and fear

I was in my bedroom i woke up and felt the energy of it outside my window i pulled back the curtains and could see it in the sky so grabbed my camera and started filming, this is the second time it has allowed me to see it shape change and this is the longest […]

UFO Sighting in Hillsboro, Tennessee on 2018-06-07 21:05:00 – Property bacs to aedc airbase.  first thought a star , but thn a cylinder shape then a round shape then a curved shape.  have all the pictures in sequence showing the different shapes in night sky

Property adjoins the aedc air force base. looked out my back door and noticed a bright star that flickered and was changing shape. decided to photograph it and did and noticed it changed from round to disc to cylinder to cigar shapes in the photos. did not appear to be moving. in on picture you […]

UFO Sighting in Morganton, North Carolina on 2018-05-11 21:58:00 – Saw cluster of light looked like triangle and took pics. it moved up and changed shapes.

I was walking up my side steps to go in house and saw the light and no stars were around in sky. i stopped and stared a minute and thought that had 3 bright bursts of light and took out phone and starting snapping pictures. i stayed in one spot whole time and couldn't see […]

Alien Encounter in Granbury, Texas on 2018-05-12 10:00:00 – Entity is morphing my body and is looking at my tv screen and using shapes to make a house and is making my body the house for the human

This being is attached to a human being that has morphed the world. it started 5 years ago when i was at a hospital for the crazy or depressed. the day that the pope became the pope i heard a voice say we can morph. he then asked me did i want to look like […]

UFO Sighting in Colorado on 2018-05-09 15:00:00 – Five dots were circling around making various shapes then they all got into a pentagon formation and took off west.

Saw a plane go overhead and noticed five dots in the sky. assumed they were skydivers so i stopped to watch them. realized quickly they were not as they were moving around in erratic patterns and making various shapes. they didn't get any closer or further, just kept making different shapes in the same area. […]

UFO Sighting in Massena, New York on 1998-10-06 00:00:00 – It blocked out the stars, apprx. 100 ft above me. no noise no lights. i used binoculars to look up at under carriage. it resembled shapes like pipes,

While sitting on my back deck wearing binoculars searching for meteorites mostly. i noticed a movement upward and over to my right. the weather was calm, no moon, no wind. stars were very bright. i watched this huge black mass block out the stars and go slow just above the tree line. as i looked […]
