
UFO Sighting in south of Cassville toward, Missouri on December 13th 2013 – Strobing white lights varied in size and direction but stayed mostly in one spot

As I was leaving a local resteruant after supper I observed a strobbing white light which was mostly staying in one spot. Most of today and last night there has been freezing rain and sleet mixed with snow. The object was under the cloud cover between the clouds and the ground. I observed this object […]

UFO Sighting in South Dakota on November 15th 2013 – Observed strobing light that appeared yellow-orange/topaz in color then saw that it was also white on top when directly opposite me while driving West on I-90

Friday ��� November 15, 2013 at about 2-3 a.m. I was driving West on I-90 at 75 MPH somewhere West of Mitchell, SD. The sky was clear and the moon almost full. About a mile ahead off to the right, I spotted 3 radio towers and began scrutinizing them waiting for the flashing red light […]

UFO Sighting in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania on September 27th 2013 – Observed 3 ufos in triangular formation followed a few minutes later by two more. All had only bright orange front light strobing side-to-side.  All were somewhat slow-moving and silent.

Riding in an SUV, going west on Rte 45 between Rte 15 and Bull Run crossing in Lewisburg, PA, I noticed three large, bright, orange lights in a triangular formation moving across the sky. They seemed kind of low in the sky to my initial view. I had heard of the large, delta-shaped craft that […]

UFO Sighting in Estero, Florida on June 4th 2013 – Hovering strobing circular light that I photographed for more than one hour. Shot video and still photos. Light to the naked eye looked like a giant ball of strobing lights, but photos captured shapes shifting, multi colors, orbs and human forms.

I was putting my son to bed and a bright light caught my eye out of his bedroom window. Both of us saw a very large pulsating red, white, and blue strobeing circular light hovering in the trees. I first tried to take cell phone pictures but they only caught small looking light dots. Not […]

UFO Sighting in Michigan on May 15th 2013 – red strobing light

I was driving down the street with my wife and I began to look up at the renaissance building in downtown detroit. I had a clear view at the top of the building and I just saw a bright red lot strobing. We stopped and watched the object pulse for about 30 just sit above […]

UFO Sighting in San Lorenzo, California on May 2nd 2013 – distant pop boom sound looked almost stright up . saw flashing strobing red orange white blue lights in a rectangle shape completly still in sky.

Went out to the back yard with the dog to enjoy the 78 degree weather. It was just after sunset and the air was still. Sitting down relaxing heard a distant pop boom sound that got my attention and all the dogs on the block began to all bark. Looking almost straight up and about […]
