
UFO Sighting in Estacada, Oregon on 1995-08-28 00:00:00 – Group of us watching metors at night, noticed really bright start all the sudden.  within 15 seconds it was hovering directly over us.  was not sold, bright white light and did not cast a shadow.  then shot off to the nw and returned about 5 mins later,

I was about 12 years and was outside our house with my brothers and sisters, dad, and some neighbors watching the metor shower. after awhile my father noticed a star the seemed to just show up and was flickering and was also brighter then the others. he said "do you guys see that really bright […]

UFO Sighting in Caraway, Arkansas on 2019-02-07 00:00:00 – I was watching live feed of the international space station and before christ almighty this red looking ball and this almost cloud looking light started appearing and it caught my attention then this red ball comes flying from what would be northeast co

I was at home using restroom and as always i'm watching the live feed from international space station and i see this light start appearing in the middle of my screen and it really caught my attention that's how bright it was actually becoming and this red ball comes freaking scratching onto my screen i […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Summerville, South Carolina on 1997-06-15 00:00:00 – Observed what appeared to be perfect equalateral triangle directly above while star watching.  however, no stars correlated.  got wife.  watched for about 25 minutes then it went from stationary to a rapid velocity in a second.

It was a very mild evening and i had just got through watching the x-files with my wife (it was friday night). i went outside and put a blanket down in the bed of my pickup so that i could star gaze and think. i had made it a goal to try to learn the […]

UFO Sighting in Stanton, Texas on 2019-01-19 01:01:00 – Do y'all want to see them come to my home address.. i see them all the time i been 2 feet from them and seen there smiling faces and i seen the flow like a family and i seen the big light in the sky that watching the orbs and you.

I have been seeing these orbs all the time they are really fast they will be far away and then they will shoot off and come straight to you i been about 2 feet from them i don't believe it's a cloak for a ship i believe it's them because they all have smiling faces […]

Dame Barbara Windsor eases her dementia by watching herself in Carry On films

Dame Barbara Windsor, 81, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2014, and her husband, Scott Mitchell, has recently said her condition has worsened.

UFO Sighting in Los Angeles, California on 2019-01-19 11:40:00 – Ufo swarm appears to be watching delta heavy launch

I had been out watching for the delta heavy launch because i wanted to take some photos. it was delayed by some minutes. when the launch began i started snapping photos. i couldn't see if the camera had captured anything. finally, i saw the contrail of the missile in my viewer. so, i began snapping. […]

UFO Sighting in Youngstown, Ohio on 1970-06-30 00:00:00 – At drive-in threater as young teen with family. everybody at the drive-in was out of there cars pointing and watching this light in the sky.

I was at the drive in movies with mom dad brothers an sister. a young teen myself about 13/14 in the late 60's early 70's, been so long ago, give or take a yr. or so. when dad says, what is everyone pointing at. i lowered my eyes from the big screen ( don't remember […]

UFO Sighting in Stockton, California on 2019-01-05 07:31:00 – Watching morning clouds every morning, but this morning was different as you can see from video

Hello, a friend recorded this event this morning at work, but he does not want to use his name so i’m reporting this event. i’ve had two sightings in my life time and others have had ufo experiences at our company, some stories do not want to br reveled because of be labeled as crazy.

UFO Sighting in Largo, Florida on 2018-11-20 18:30:00 – Thought i was watching some military training from socom and was attempting to identify what type of aircraft were flying around and i started to video a light and during this event picked up a secondary light that moves downward at a speed not possible.

Thought i was watching some military training from socom from tampa florida and was attempting to identify what type of aircraft were flying around and i started to video a light and during this event picked up a secondary light that moves downward at a speed not possible. i was facing north it was a […]

UFO Sighting in Tyrone, Georgia on 2018-06-20 20:45:00 – This is second sighting but first was observed by others i zoomed in on video recently people on next door where commenting on strange light i saw first time caught this watching same area of sky off back deck

I was on back deck of house and saw this while sky watching. i had watched one previously from same location. originally thought it maybe a drone but saw jet headed to atlanta pass by in background. object made several sharp unusual movements as i tried to keep cell camera still. i only continued to […]
