
UFO Sighting in Bismarck, North Dakota on July 9th 2016 – I was just sitting outside having a smoke and watching a thunder storm move into the area, when i noticed a blue-violet  kind of glow rise straight up.

I was just sitting outside having a smoke and watching a thunder storm move into the area, when i noticed a blue-violet kind of glow rise straight up. I couldn’t tell what I was seeing, it didn’t make sence. as soon as I could get my phone out this is what I tried to record.

Men In Black: They’re Watching You – Ghost Theory

Featuring a most interesting interview with Dan Aykroyd regarding his personal experiences, Xavier Ortega’s glance at the MIB phenomenon will leave you looking over your shoulder. If you want to break the willy-inducing spell, here’s a Witness Claiming He Was Hounded By ‘Men In Black’ After Seeing UFOs Fly At Hyper Speed. We don’t think […]

Men In Black: They're watching you – Ghost Theory

Ghost Theory Men In Black: They're watching youGhost TheoryWeeks before Kenneth Arnold described seeing strange crafts flying '…like saucers skipping on water.', there was another incredible claim of a UFO sighting coming from the dark, frigid waters of Puget Sound. It was in June of 1947 when Fred Crisman …

How binge watching your favourite box sets could be deadly

Osaka University scientists say those most at risk were people those who watched multiple episodes of a series in one sitting. They advise viewers to pause the TV every hour to stretch their legs.

UFO Sighting in Gatineau, Ontario on July 24th 2016 – Looked simply like jet plunging straight downward from above a cloud in a blue afternoon sky but upon watching it plunge in blue sky between two clouds disappeared for a short distance. reappeared then into the cloud below but never came out again.

I was siting in my living room writing when my eye was dawn to the blue sky outside my window. I, at first, saw only blue sky with puffy white clouds here and there but then seeing motion I looked to the northwest, very high in the sky, and saw what at first looked like […]

UFO Sighting in California on January 3rd 2016 – Going to work and they were watching me, I have been taken several times, but not this time?

I just got out of my car to go inside for work, there were 5-6 basketball size glowing orbs heading a north westward direction. My feelings are that I am becoming more and more upset because I know I am an abductee, I have the scoop marks, my blood type Rh negative. I moved back […]

UFO Sighting in Cambridge, New York on June 21st 2016 – I was at a Solstice party with friends. About 15 of us werew watching a full solstice moom rising over a distant hill with the bright new moon. None of us saw anything except I recorded an apparant saucer in four places.

I was with some friends in a farm field to have a party while we watched the rising solstice full moon on June 21, 2106. We watched the rising moon and I decided to try and take some pictures of the moon with a large tree in view and a roadway (highway # 313.) I […]

Essex boy was killed watching football match after freak accident after a tackle

Liam Hole, 26, was forced to relive the experience today as an inquest heard how he crashed into a wall on the pitch in Devon, sending a metal peg flying towards his brother Oliver Croker, who later died.

UFO Sighting in Colorado Springs, Colorado on July 4th 2016 – While watching fireworks displays noticed a very bright green light stationary above us…

Because of the vantage point of our buildings patio deck just outside of our apartment we step outside every year to watch fireworks displays from Memorial Park, The Broadmore, and anywhere else that we can observe Fireworks going off…The patio is on the west end of the building and only has a few trees to […]

UFO Sighting in North Providence, Rhode Island on July 4th 2016 – While watching 4th of July 2016 fireworks from our 4th story apartment, both my wife & I witnessed a fleet of these oval orange/red glowing objects come from different directions, linger, manuever and ascend into clouds for approximately 20 minutes

While watching 4th of July 2016 fireworks from our 4th story apartment, both my wife & I witnessed a fleet of these oval orange/red glowing objects come from different directions, linger, manuever and ascend into clouds for approximately 20 minutes. At first I thought they must be chineese balloons or flares, but They were clearly […]
