
UFO Sighting in Moscow, Idaho on November 23rd 2014 – Heard loud sound of a jet, woke up at 2:57 am looked and window to the East and saw the object flying East then hovering over an electrical plant. The lights lit up bright at the plant

I was dead asleep and woke up to a loud jet sound and thought that was odd. So I opened my window looking to the East and saw what I thought was a plane with pulsating red and white lights (3) and it was moving slowly but making that jet like sound. It was a […]

UFO Sighting in Fort Worth, Texas on November 12th 2014 – Woke up to see distant red and blue lights. Look outside and its at least 300ft away. It was just hovering there. there were at least five other ships spread out around it.

I was in my bed trying to finish a project for school that was due the next day. I look up and see blood red and dark blue lights through the holes in my blinds. I immediately dismiss it thinking it was another airplane passing through. But thirty minutes later, its still there. Me, being […]

UFO Sighting in Texas on September 1st 2008 – The orb appeared to be lifting from my chest and I woke up startled, heart racing for no reason.

It happened to me. This happened twice. The first time the orb was almost black. It was spherical but it really had no shape. It was quite amorphous. It did buzz when it flew off. I flew up from my chest area and dissipated into thin air. My heart was racing, and I had this […]

UFO Sighting in Fairland, Indiana on November 30th 1992 – OBSERVED UFO 2130 WOKE UP 0230 35 MILES AWAY

The next reported odd thing happening to the family was in December 1991 on the 6th, 13th or 20th (a Friday.) The witnesses were in a car at 9:30 at night driving on the old Fairland road coming from Greenwood and approaching the Woods before the river. They observed a large glowing red/orange pulsating ball […]

UFO Sighting in Columbus, Indiana on June 30th 2013 – Woke up noticing could not move.  Observed a black shadow of a figure in 3 dimension around 7’tall thin.

I was sleeping soundly next to my husband in bed when I woke up noticing I could not move, I was paralyzed. I observed a black shadow of a figure in 3 dimension around 7���tall thin but slumped over at the bottom of the bed going toward the window. I had a terrific headache above […]

UFO Sighting in Ithaca, New York on September 24th 2014 – I got up to use the bathroom at 3:43 AM, Looked out the bathroom window and saw what I thought was a bright star. They upon closer look, noticed the lights. I  watched thru binoculars and woke my wife to see it. It stayed until dawn.

I got up to use the bathroom at 3:43 AM, Looked out the bathroom window and saw what I thought was a very bright star. Then upon closer look, noticed the various colors and knew that it was not a star. I think it was moving further away then stopped all movement high in the […]

UFO Sighting in Indianapolis, Indiana on September 8th 2014 – so bright it woke me up. pink, green, white lights as bright as bright headlights, hovered and orbs morphed.

i was sleeping, as it was like 3;40 am. the lights were so bright, they woke me up,. i have blinds on my bedroom window, with slits. my bed is facing north but the window is south and the flying object was southwestern. it was not there when i went to bed (around 10pm). and […]

UFO Sighting in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan on August 6th 2014 – A month ago on a Sunday morning, I woke up and walk to the back of my house to get some fresh air and enjoy the mountain view. When I was there, I took few pictures of the mountains and when I look back at those pictures I found something unusual. I fo

A month ago on a Sunday morning, I woke up and walk to the back of my house to get some fresh air and enjoy the mountain view. When I was there, I took few pictures of the mountains and when I look back at those pictures I found something unusual. I found 2 objects […]

UFO Sighting in Magill, South Australia on February 7th 2014 – woke to Extremely bright shinning turquoise lighting my entire bedroom

I woke up at around 2am hearing a sound i had never heard , a mix between a phone vibrating on a hard surface and ringing in my ears (which i was experiencing at the time, and i have had no know ear problems) i checked my phone as soon as i woke, like i […]

Alien Encounter in Grande Prairie, Alberta on May 31st 2012 – I woke and felt like my body from the head down was tingling like it was falling asleep. It was so intense it hurt but went down my whole body then back up.. I screamed then sat up and seen a very tall (grey)? With backwards legs like a grasshopper .

I woke and felt like my body from the head down was tingling like it was falling asleep. It was so intense it hurt but went down my whole body then back up.. I screamed then sat up and seen a very tall (grey)? With backwards legs like a grasshopper . About 8- 9 feet […]
