
UFO Sighting in Kansas City, Kansas on 1976-08-01 21:00:00 – I saw two white lights ahead, thought they were street lights untill one of the lights zigzagged up into the sky.

I have seen unidentified objects on four different ocassions when i was younger. perhaps because i spent a lot of time outdoors.To see three of these cases look up case number 82672 on mufon. i feel somewhat hesitant to tell this fourth story. it was 1976, or maybe early to mid 1977. i lived on […]

UFO Sighting in Billings, Montana on August 29th 2016 – Unidentified objects appeared, disappeared, zigzagged in sky – Military vessels circled 10 minutes later

At approximately 8:45 PM, a star-like object appeared above South tree line traveling faster than a satellite, slowed its path and illuminated bright white light three times within the same path, brighter than any star in the sky. The object stopped moving several times and disappeared above the NW tree line. A second object appeared […]

UFO Sighting in Bentonia, Mississippi on July 10th 1987 – A white orb (well defined edges) passed overhead, then zigzagged 45 degrees to right. halted continued original course, then zigzagged 45 degrees to right again. Stopped then returned to original course!

My brother and I were lying on our backs in a clearing in the woods. We were listening to a cassette player and star gazing. suddenly a bright white light flew into view. It was approximately the size of my thumbnail held at arms length. Neither of us said a word. The light suddenly stopped […]

UFO Sighting in Berea, Ohio on July 4th 2015 – Very bright object that stopped then zig-zagged then stopped quickly

On the evening of the 4th of July I was out front in my yard when I noticed in the SW sky a very bright object relatively low in the sky that at first was stationary. This occurred at night so the object was much brighter than any star I’ve ever seen. It was completely […]

UFO Sighting in Boyd, Texas on January 17th 1975 – Traveled in the same direction as our car was traveling, then zig-zagged down below trees that were at a distance.

We were traveling south of Boyd, Texas along Farm Road 730 about 1am. I was in the backseat, having laid down after spending most of the night “looking for UFOs” (I had seen one the November prior (1974) and was anxious to see another), but tiring of looking at the night sky, I decided to […]

UFO Sighting in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio on October 4th 2015 – Craft hovered and zig-zagged across the sky, emitted a bright light that randomly pulsated/blinked in varying degrees of brightness

We were down on a wooden platform that overlooks the Cuyahoga river. At some point we saw what looked like a very bright star, however the light quickly faded away. We then began seeing an object moving in the sky, appearing to both hover and move in a kind of zig-zag pattern. As it moved […]

UFO Sighting in Englewood, Florida on February 5th 2015 – Shooting star, zigzagged E to W horizons with many  course changes, then straight S

Was taking my dog out. Checked both ways before crossing the street to my mailbox and saw what looked like a bright shooting star over the east horizon. Only then I saw it streak closer. And closer again, just behind the pine trees (so not simply street lights reflecting off the power lines, which are […]

UFO Sighting in Orting, Washington on December 11th 2014 – maintained radius, although zigzagged, looped&flapped wing like limbs

I was at home smoking a cigarette with my mother on her back porch after eating dinner. I looked up in the sky to see what appeared at first glance a flying plane. But upon further observation, I was immediately assured it wasn’t. It didn’t travel in a straight line. It zig-zagged. Even did a […]

UFO Sighting in Towson, Maryland on November 14th 2014 – two satellite looking lights were streaking across the sky parallel to each other, they then zig-zagged and dissappeared

I was looking at the stars on a clear night. I noticed two satellite looking lights streaking across the sky relatively faster than a plane, but slower than a satellite, in a parallel formation. They then, very quickly, started zig zagging in a way that resembled a double helix of DNA before finally disappearing. I’ve […]

UFO Sighting in Carlsbad, California on January 18th 2014 – The object ascended in an arc, flew straight out over the ocean, zig-zagged, hovered, then descended at an angle until submerged underwater.

On January 18, 2014, my son and I took a drive down the coast in Carlsbad, California, a few miles from my home. It was around 1:00 am when we pulled over by the beach and were talking and watching the waves. At 1:45 am we saw a large, amber-orange, glowing object. It appeared to […]
