That Time The U.S. Air Force Proposed Using Rockets To Stop The Earth’s Rotation – Daily Grail

The stakes were high during the cold war, leading Washington’s leading thinktanks to invent outlandish schemes to thwart the Russkies. Case in point: Greg Taylor’s revelation on doing something only Superman was capable of performing. And let me throw in an earworm for good measure. Should America be graced by a bespandexed god, rather than hailing from Krypton this one could be from beyond the veil. Okay, more like “beyond the brane” as Pascal Elahi tells Andrew Griffin how We Could Be Living Inside A Multiverse That Is Full Of Alien Life. Why? Because it’d explain something about our universe that’s been puzzling cosmologists since 1933. Should this putative superhero demand a theme song, and John Williams is unavailable, inspiration could be drawn from a Singing Molecular Cloud. It’s music, just not as we expect it. (CS)

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