The Dover Demon’s Men In Black – CryptoZoo News

We had never heard this one before, a weird Men in Black incident that happened in the wake of the Dover Demon sightings in 1977. Two oddly erect men, wearing black leather jackets and white motorcycle helmets, claimed to be from National Geographic and warned people not to talk about their sighting. A decade earlier we have Another Man in Black Case, this time from the papers of the late John Keel. In 1967 he was investigating the case of Joseph Henslik, a young man in Long Island who claimed harassment by the classic Men in Black (MIB). Henslik later confessed it was a hoax–that he had been coached by UFOlogists Jim Moseley and Gray Barker, both known for their pranks in the field. Just how much of the MIB mythology is due to these pranksters, no one knows, but in this age of equality for all, we now also have to Watch Out For The Women In Black or WIB. Nick Redfern traces their appearance to the recently departed Albert Bender, who is responsible for bringing the MIB mystery to life in the early 1950s. Bender’s ties to Gray Barker are well known. A modern combination of the MIB and alien hybrids, the Black-Eyed Kids, is now in the spotlight, and David Weatherly provides his June BEK Updates. (PH)

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