The Golden Yetis – Cryptozoo News

A good news, bad news post. First the good news: Loren Coleman of the International Cryptozoology Museum has announced that the Cryptozoologist of the Year 2020 is Hominologist Dr. Marie-Jeanne Koffmann. And the Lifetime Achievement Award 2020 goes to Christopher L. Murphy. Check out the details. Next are The Top 20 Cryptozoology Books of 2020. There are a lot of good books here, including some published by Anomalist Books, like Sun, Sand, and Sea Serpents and Mystery Cats of the Word Revisited: Blue Tigers, King Cheetahs, Black Cougars, Spotted Lions, and More. Now comes the bad news: Bryan Sykes Dies: Brought Genetics Credibility to Hominology Studies . Geneticist Sykes published the first report on retrieving DNA from ancient bone (Nature, 1989), and headed the genetic survey of Yeti and Bigfoot DNA, which led to Sykes being named Cryptozoologist of the Year 2013. Coleman also has a retrospective on all the other Cryptozoology Deaths of 2020, including the fifth star of Finding Bigfoot James “Bobo” Fay’s dog, Monkey. (PH)

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