The Mysterious Mass Alien Encounter of Zimbabwe – Mysterious Universe

The troubling 1994 Ariel School mass CEIII encounter is Brent Swancer’s subject in his continuing series on iconic UFO cases. Brent sketches out the particulars, though apparently unaware this Zimbabwe event is “the kicker for ‘The Phenomenon,'” in Billy Cox’ words in Revisiting Ruwa ’94. Cox is describing the powerful impact the Ariel School event and its witnesses give to James Fox’ upcoming UFO documentary. Matty Would Like to Discuss the 1994 Ariel School “Sighting” considers the vagaries of memory even soon after the event. Rich Reynolds also focuses properly upon the havoc adult deprecation may have had upon some of the school children’s psyches. Earlier UFO incidents (literally headlined as such) include A 1947 UFO Incident With (Maybe) a Link to the 1980 Rendlesham Forest Affair. Nick Redfern covers a really early UFO appearance near none other than the RAF Bentwaters base, which would become a part of UFO history for its late December 1980 events. Nick mentions some earlier radar-based research in that very area of England; George Knapp coincidentally says an Arizona UFO Incident in 1953 Followed Nevada Explosions; Radar Blamed. This references the contested Kingman crash-retrieval story, one whose genesis is fraught with problems. Historian Harry Drew’s researches have tripled the number of craft from light-years away that, he says, were supposedly felled by “high output high energy short bolts of microwave radiation” from 1950s experimental radar. (WM)

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