The Reality of an Abduction Event – Phantoms and Monsters

We are offered a report submitted to Darkness Radio in 2015 regarding a group abduction experience. Serving as a template for other genuine abduction experiences, it points to a specific pathology that seems to exist for all victims, including how the future might play out for the participants. The consistency of these occurrences make them difficult to dismiss.  Much easier to ignore is Zozo Proclaims BEKs Are ‘Aliens’. Please note we are not dismissing the idea of BEK’s being aliens. We’re simply pointing out that the research methods utilized have left quite a bit to be desired. Another hard to prove method of investigation is Trance Medium Gladys Osborne Leonard’s Visits to the Other Side. Yet there is something about Gladys’ trips beyond the veil that pull us in and make us want to learn more about her spirit world. (CM)

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