The Roswell Dummies: "He's Dead! He's Dead!" – Mysterious Universes

No matter the current fascination, Roswell just keeps on keepin’ on. If you’ve never heard the USAF rationale for their “crash test dummy” Roswell explanation, Nick Redfern’s got it in an easy read. Then things get weirder with some Strange Tales of Rats: Conspiracies, Roswell & Bacteriological Warfare. Nick remains in his “wheelhouse” with little-known information on What the U/S. Government Knows of the Men in Black (or Doesn’t). Nick’s concluding statement here is, especially for newcomers, a bit chilling. And Paul Seaburn wonders why Tall Humanoids Have Been Reported in Columbia for Seven Years, and not much has been done about it. No books, no conferences, no theme parks, nada. (WM)

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