The Spectral WWII Bombers of the United Kingdom – Mysterious Universe

Not every unidentified flying object has an otherworldly origin, unless you count the world on the other side of the veil. The English countryside is host to numerous phantom flights haunting its airways, and Brent Swancer shares the choicest morsels. So if some moment, you hear the sound of propeller engines flying atop the overcast, engines that sound searching and lost… it’s the modern, aerial analogue of the centurion holding vigil on Mersea Island. A ghost’s work is never done, and neither rain, nor sleet, nor murder can keep William Cartmill from his duly appointed rounds. Our buddy Ken Summers explains why Ohio’s Post Boy Road is Haunted. The offices at Anomalist Towers was recently graced by a vision of Chris Woodyard, bequeathing a dandy yarn of The Virgin Mary Appearing In Limerick. A remarkable vision of more than just Mary, made all the more curious by the number of eyewitnesses. (CS)

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