The Strange Story of Hitler's Hunt for the Yeti – Mysterious Universe

You’d think that Hitler had enough monsters in his entourage, but Brent Swancer writes of speculation that the mustachioed-maniac sent a crack team to Tibet in search of the Yeti. Was the team’s purpose political, zoological, or mystical? No-one’s ever been sure. Or is Bigfoot: A Deadly Mimic? Ennis in Texas has a history of cases in which Bigfoot is suspected of trying to lure humans by imitating the sound of a crying baby. Nick Redfern wonders if the fearful locals had “sly, mimicking monsters in their midst.” But if you like saner speculation on hairy hominids, Knute Berger reminds us that It’s Too Soon to Close the Door on Bigfoot’s Existence (Hear Us Out). Eschewing mystical or occult angles, Berger feels that “from an anthropological perspective, hunting for Sasquatch should be a respectable activity to answer a key question of human evolution.” A commendable ambition that is unlikely to be achieved if the subject is “left to crackpots.” (LP)

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