The Texas UFO Crash Debris Photo From July 1947 – The Saucers That Time Forgot

Curt Collins solicits reader help on material looking much like what was displayed to reporters as coming from the iconic Roswell crash. Witness Leonard Robertson’s last name recalls a debunking effort six years later. Now Robertson had “material evidence” for his UFO claim, but what to do about entity reports? Rich Reynolds asks why are UFOs [Flying Saucers] with “Occupants” – Not in 2020? The apparent “dip” in humanoid encounters, whatever their cause(s), seems worth investigation. Rich also ponders the possible purpose of some ancient UFOs in Actually They May be the Chariots of the Gods. A solid understanding of ancient history may explain most Ancient Astronaut tenets conventionally, but the “intriguing speculation” of Eric von Daniken’s Chariots of the Gods? certainly fires the imagination. The possible remnant handiwork (or tentacle-work, or whatever) of Ancient Astronauts is one thing, but what to do about ordinary-looking folks who say they’re the “real deal?” Hakan Blomqvist ponders this question in The Alien Visitors – Volume II. He also reveals a stunning bit of information about contactee Billy Meier. (WM)

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