The Worst Paranormal Investigators : A Cautionary Tale – Weird Lectures

We bring two warnings for those living an Anomalous Lifestyle. This first is a caveat emptor of sorts, reminding our readers not to believe everything they are told. Approach all aspects of spook hunting like true forteans. Demand evidence. Ask for credentials. And don’t follow every shiny new channel or feed out there because the folks that are working their butts off in the ghostly trenches probably can’t afford publicists and media marketing experts. Next, A Life of High Strangeness reminds us that the more you look into the paranormal, the more it looks back at you. And sometimes, it has been looking at you long before you even knew it was there. This report from a writer whose life has been pockmarked by high strangeness will give you pause if you happen to have friends or family who make odd claims from time to time. (CM)

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