Those Ancient Astronaut Theorists! – UFO Conjectures

Ancient Astronauts speculations. Nick Redfern gets a pass, but Rich spies “palpable madness in the eyes” of other prominent AA hosts. Possibly “modern” aliens in 1964 New Mexico have bothered Kevin Randle for some time, but with Holder’s “Five-Page Report”-Updated Kevin thinks he’s finally gotten one loose Socorro end tied up. Kevin’s shout-out to those whose contributions made his conclusions possible should be a model for UFO researchers to emulate. And with Special Cases–The Long Island File (69): An Operation and a Letter the “miraculous” recovery of intermediary Jaye Paro seems in John Keel’s mind owed to his alien/android/hoaxer correspondents. Yet at the same time John chides them for duplicity. (WM)

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