UFO Bad Guys – High Strangeness

Mark O’Connell’s most recent post is rather a straightforward promo for his soon-to-be-published book about J. Allen Hynek The Close Encounters Man, but the short piece has some interesting tidbits, and Mark promises more in the book, particularly about Dr. Carl Sagan. We do know that O’Connell exaggerates some when he says “the entire population of the state of Michigan” was, well, irked by Hynek, for we were there at the time. But now we come to some folks who certainly did irk John Keel, as exemplified in Special Cases–The Long Island File (29): A Letter to the Entities. As Site-Master Doug Skinner so well puts it, “John’s daily onslaught of strangeness continues,” and you’ll have to “read it to believe it”–or at least try to wrap your mind around the doings. Exasperated by all the shenanigans, John writes an eloquent “Put Up or Shut Up” letter for Jaye Paro to pass on to her “alien” contacts. We’ll have to wait until next time, hopefully, to see what comes of this. (WM)

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