UFO Seen Floating Over The San Gabriel Valley? – Fox 11

That likely advertising balloon videotaped on August 28th by a Los Angeles area resident has been identified as that of a purveyor of marijuana extracts and vaporizing products, Shelly Insheiwat reports. It looks like another product associated with the “Brass Knuckles” company got rather higher than intended. Alejandro Rojas informs us that a UFO Witness Spots Large “Spherical Object” During Hike in Portugal. It’s an interesting image, with a bonus odd object “at the same speed and following the same path.” One would like to know the rationale for the speed, altitude, distance, and size estimates provided by the witness. Over at Mysterious Universe, Paul Seaburn is considering Wright-Patterson AFB, Ray Szymanski and Hidden Aliens. Specifically, Paul wonders why the book Ray had published in 2016 called 50 Shades of Greys is “suddenly back in the news?” It’s a good question, but Ray’s a hoot to listen to and his personal adventure book is light-hearted, if perhaps over credulous. Seaburn colleague Brett Tingley breaks the news that UFO Seekers Flock to Devils Tower Seeking Close Encounters. In their “Devils Tower UFO Rendezvous” MUFON and the Wyoming locals appear to be attempting an annual festival based upon the McMinnville pattern. Got to admit, a “mashed potato tower building contest” does sound like fun. (WM)

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