UFO Sighting in Detroit, Michigan on March 31st 2016 – if the space station could zig zag, brighten, dim, blink, speed up and slow down.

was that a meteor? started watching the skies, it was a nice night.

was that the space station? traveled north to south in a straight line.

ithen some minutes later coming from SW to NE. it shuttered changing corse to demonstrate that it was not moving in a straight line. going around stars, at one point around a whole constellation. brightening and diming subtly.

in my mind i expressed my gratitude and thanks. it was still kind of scary.

some many more minutes pass. descending from high in the sky to the east. i think hello. it blinks. this time a much more yellow light than before. several other responces. my thinking goes erratic, while at a loss for words. i wonder if I could have scared it off. i think that may have been an answer to my fear during the first watch. as if to say not to fear it.

i stayed outside looking for a little while longer, but decided to go in for a coffee and to write this report. I may look for a minute later.

it was interesting to note that in the time immediately after the first watch, a bird made a short repetitive tune. I wish I could remember it. about 4 low churps ending with a high pitched one. not anything particularly special about it from regular bird songs. but given the circumstance it had a kind of signal sounding quality, like a shorter “close encounters of the third kind” melody. If nothing else, it was cool timing.



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