UFO Sighting in Edmonton, Alberta on 2018-05-28 09:48:00 – Want in a straight line and did nothing

I was playing kick ball at school when i heard a plane and so i looked up into the sky and saw the plane (which was easy to spot because the sky was clear and not a cloud to be seen) but i also saw across from the plane were 4 white orbs flying over the parking lot and going in front of the plane but not at the same altitude of the plane. the orbs were round and looked a little bit like stars but it was when the sun was up and i was confused because i didn't know what it was so i asked a friend if he could see it and he said yes. then after about 9-10 minutes i moved to kick the ball and since they were moving fast that when i went to see them again they warn't there. when i first saw it i took my phone out to take pictures but when i looked at the pictures i couldn't see them.



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