UFO Sighting in Las Vegas, Nevada on 2019-06-01 23:01:00 – Saw light moving in ne direction w/no aircraft lights, the blinky one that are required, and no soundeither and 2 smaller lights following.

Filled out on a paper report sent in to mufon hq, filed by field investigator 18809 on 9/12/2019
1 was returning home after walking my dog
2 out of my perefural vision light i first saw i thought was a fragmenting metor.
4 the lights, about 20, were staggered and stacked (witness drew six squares staggered) heading in a ne direction w/very little bobble of each independent light that stretched close to a mile in length, and about 1/2 mile following 2 smaller lights.
5 when i first realized that it wasn't a falling star i was in awe that this could be a sighting and i thought it was cool, my first, i hoped, after all these years, and i called my mom afterwards.
6 the objects kept moving in the ne direction until out of sight, and i really want to know what i saw, weather a starship of multipul lights or some terristral craft



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