UFO Sighting in New Hamburg, Ontario on August 4th 2013 – Orange glowing object moved across the sky at a steady pace. It made no sound and had no tail.

My husband and I were sitting around the campfire. I looked up into the night sky and noticed a strange orange glowing object moving steadily across the sky, parallel to the ground. From where we were sitting it appeared to be half the size of the moon, but obviously much closer. It was dark so we couldn’t judge how high it was in relation to where we were sitting. It moved silently and it didn’t have a tail or leave a trail. We watched it for as long as we could before it disappeared behind trees far on the horizon. We sat calmly for the entire sighting. We agreed it was much too slow for a meteor (plus it didn’t leave a trail), much too slow for a falling star (plus it didn’t fall or diminish in intensity), too round and bulky for a plane, and, unlike a Chinese lantern, it moved exactly parallel to the ground in a straight line for many kilometres until it disappeared from our view. We both agreed it was unlike anything we’d ever seen before.



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