UFO Sighting in Phoenix, Arizona on 1997-03-13 20:30:00 – 5 shimmering orbs in form of a bppmerang slow moving from nw to se

Special ops unit of phx fire dept. with phx police dept. conducting scheduled night ops training session on the evening of march 13,1997 starting @1800 hrs and ending @2100 hrs using pd helicopter to cross train night ops rescues. we used the flat basin of maricopa county flood control cave creek dry dam area as staging area and lz. this site is located west of paved road cave creek rd./jomax north of phoenix out side the city lights. the night was clear and starlit. combined personnel from both cept.S was approximately 20-30 professional, mostly seasoned fire and pd personnel.At between 2020 and 2040 hrs while we were wrapping up our training session we were critiquing the training we observed an unusual odd looking object , very large in the shape of a boomerang at an undetermined height with 5 evenly spaced shimmering orb-like blue-white lights slowing moving from the nw to the se in a straight path with no noise heard. we all were wondering if the military was conducting some type of night ops also. none of us admitted to ever seeing an event like this before.Pd and fire personnel were of rank and file at this training session. i am retired since march 2008 and thought little of telling anyone with an objective mind, but decided to open up the conversation after seeing numerous people on the media and national geographic giving their versions of the event. what i have expressed here is true and honest and can be verified by many other professionals present that night. you may contact me as needed if you have any further questions. thank you. retired captain/paramedic, fema, special ops, and phoenix college and fire academy instructor/trainer.



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