UFO Sighting in South Hutchinson, Kansas on 2018-07-26 14:30:00 – Close up reveled a possible diamond shape as it was exiting the sun disk shown in the screenshot from the video

I was driving around south hutchinson with no particular place to go except the sonic drive-in for the half-price drink at 2 pm . the carhop brought me my soda and i decided to drive west about a quarter-mile to the vietnam memorial. as soon as i arrived i stepped out of the driver door and got my iphone 8.5 out to video the approaching developing thunderstorm. the thunderstorms anvil had just started covering the sun and i decided to video it as it was becoming obscured by the anvil cloud.. i started shooting video for about a minute. i got back in my car in the ac and reviewed the video hadi just taken and that’s when i spotted the object streaking across in a south west with a direction, i determined it was in the clouds because it was casting a shadow on the clouds so that meant to me and was it least 15 km hi . if that is the case this flying object was very large and very fast. i used my iphone 8.5 screenshot feature to get a close-up just as the object was exiting the suns corona and can make out a diamond shape in this close-up. the object starts it’s transit on the lower right at approximately the 40 second mark.



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