UFO Sighting in Tankersley, England on 2018-05-23 00:00:00 – Wired light pulsating over tankersly there was also a smaller object behind on the same path

I was just having a cigarette at the door and looked up to see this light i knew it was strange as i've seen plenty of lanterns, balloons, planes and the flashing lights they give off,i decided to grab my ipad to film the best i could the object was starlike with a pulsating effect traveling quite fast and there was also a smaller object behind what the camera did not pick up travelling the same path it was orb like maybe if you filter my video you can see it sorry about the video but to see with the naked eye i found it fascinating hope you like it it was also seen by my partner feel free to use or edit as you like the object was spotted at 11pm london time



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