UFO Sighting in Vera,almeria, Andalusia on 2017-10-27 11:30:00 – Observed in clear blue sky from car while travelling on a7 just passed vera turnoff

On 27th october 2017 driving southward from huercal overa to turre on the a7/e15 at aprox 11-11.30 am at 50mph i noticed a white arrow shaped whispy cloud suddenly appear in a clear clear blue sky at approx 45 degrees to my position. distance from me impossible to tell. the cloud stated to disperse westward and revealed a round shining ball the size of an asprin. as i watched the cloud disappeared as fast as it had appeared and the shining ball which seemed stationary for a brief moment just got smaller until it was out of sight altogether.
as i was on the motorway with fast moving traffic i was unable to stop , take photos or more accurate compass readings. it was nothing on my windsheild as the car had been in the car wash 1 hour earlier.
i felt quite elated as this was my third ufo sighting, my first being in papua new guinea wher i had to fill in enough forms in triplicate and suffer stupid remarks from an australian agent i vowed not to report any further sightings, and my second sighting which was in spain and was later reported in the local newspaper by over 200 persons.



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