UFO Sighting in Wrocław, Województwo dolnośląskie on 2017-12-31 00:00:00 – It flew quickly and without any sound then change path and flew away quickly from my eyesight

1. celebrating new year
2. my fiance saw this first and she turned my attention to it.
3. it's not a first time when i saw ufo in this city. almost everyday i see at least one of them on the sky, very different kinds of them. i just knew it's ufo.
4. it was at night, so i can't see any details, but it glowing bright light, flew speed and soundless. this one had a teardrop shape.
5. because i see ufo very often in wroclaw, i'm not specially excited about that, i just watched it.
6. it just changed flight direction and just flew away from field of view.



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